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Feb 10, 2005 21:18

Today was a mixture of horrible and good times. I woke up feelin like there was a pile of ricks on top of my body, I could not move a muscle. I stayed home from school which I wasn't too proud of, believe me, but there was no way that I could get up this morning. So I slept in until like twelve, still felt bad, rode my fucking flat-tire, fucked-up handle bars, midget of a bike to rehearsal and ended up throwing up five minutes after I got there. I'm glad that Hooper was so understanding because I reeeally tried my best to be there and to be there on time. On my way to school I had to stop like three times because I felt like I was going to die. It was a pretty stupid choice to ride bike all the way to school when I felt the way I did. I'm just glad that I didn't miss rehearsal and that everything worked out in the end. I really love all those drama kids. Thank you Luly for being me messenger when I needed you to = ) What the hell would I have done without you today? Thank you Llama for letting me read the cool soul signs book and for lending me the Squee comic book! Thank you Jessie and Hooper, even though you won't read this, for Bellantes and also Rey and Nikki, I had a good time tonight and it made me feel a little better about everything. Also, thank you Chris for taking me home! and for fitting that damn bike into the trunk = )
Ok so, the horrible part...ughhhhhhh...was when I was almost home and I checked my eight new messages. They were all form my parents and they were saying how worried about me they were because I had not called them all day. I forgot that I had just left the house today on my broken down bike without telling them how I got to rehearsal. But damnit, I did not get one of their calls cause I was probably in spots with no reception. So when I got home my dad bitched me out like there was no tomorrow and my mom was telling me how worried she was. She said that she called my friends and asked them is they knew where I was, she went to Southwest to see if Hooper was there and...oh god I felt SO fucking bad for all of it. I put them through hell they told me. Man, I don't know what the hell go tinto me because I am usually always very responsible with calling them and letting them know what I am doing. I feel so bad for doing that to them. It made me cry to see my parents so damn worried about me. I hope never of you have to ever experience that.
I think I was just so fried today, from the sickness, the worrying, the stress and the heat of the sun that it completely failed to cross my mind that I should call my parents and let them know where I was going. = / It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. Now my dad has all of my close friends' numbers in his cell phone in case this happens again. But believe me, it will not happen again. I never wasnt to experience that again.
Last night was an interesting night. It was fresh and new and exciting and...much needed = ) I'm glad that we finally got over our fears. This way, we will really both know the truth. I have a good feeling though.
Tomorrow, I have been invited by Gabriel to his friend's wedding. I am way too tired to do that though. I need to sleep tomorrow night as soon as I get the chance. It sucks to spend my Friday like that but it is all for the best. That way I will be refreshed for Saturday to go to Bayside with Luly, or whatever we end up doing for her birthday. Wow I just noticed that that last sentence there sounded like a robot wrote it. But I didn't mean for it to sound like that! Well I just got off the phone with Ana and I wish her the best with everything. She is such a sweetheart. Her and Christie are mah dawgs.
Well, after this long, stressful, wierd-ass day I am finally going to call it a night. From now on I need to get to sleep at reasonable hours. Ah, I can't wait for AMerican Idol to REALLY start up. That show becomes my obsession at that point. Yes, it's sick. lol. One day I'll be up there though ; )
Ok so salutations to everyone. See you all tomorrow at... ... ... school = /. I wish I could have sais something more exciting like... the concert. Lol.
'Night )o(
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