Dec 05, 2005 10:19
i had crazy harry potter dreams last night. they were sweet. made me want to go see the latest movie.
today i have to read some more microeconomics and try to order my old tax forms - again. it's funny how the tax people have this number that's supposed to be super helpful and it's always busy. seriously, i called about ten times on friday - busy every time. fuckers.
how 'bout that election campaign? anybody care? anybody gonna vote? what's that? a liberal minority again! quelle surprise. yup, that's my call. probably the bloc will pick up some more seats here - plotting their vague and contradictory, but hey, INDEPENDENT existence away from canada. and jack layton might wrangle a couple more seats, but i really don't see how harper could get elected. the conservatives, maybe soonish, but not harper. so we'll default back to martin and complain about how he's totally corrupt and insincere (which i believe) but better than creepy, emotionless, robot-man. whaddayagonnado?
i'm so excited to work on the many x-mas gifts and crafts that anna and i are making for our fams. not allowed to do that until the good productive things are done first, though :(
thanks for reading my rant about politics. probably there's gonna be a lot more of that in the near future.
carla out.