After the storm went through last night, the air was sweet and cool. I had a strong urge for a good night's sleep. I napped a bit, while I cooled off the upper floor and woke up to hear Crap From the PastTM. I listened to a large part of this, even though it was devoted to the
saxamaphone. Ron does have an absolute talent putting together lovely and exquisitely awful pop music.
So I stretched downstairs with the kitty, and he did want to play with my theraband. What a bad monkey I was for denying his desire to play!
I went up to bed, and all was well for a few hours. Then the kitty came up and softly nudged me, whispering, "Mom. Hey Mom?" It was cool, and I pulled the sheet up. He moved down to the legs, and I thought he was going to settle in. Suddenly, there was freaky rolling about and playing happening. "Hey, who told you there was a playground between my legs?" says I. Then I realise that there must have been a toy hiding in the folds of the sheet. "If you don't stop, you shall be ejected!"
So I got up and grabbed the squeaky mouse. He was ready for me at the top step. He was just sure there was play afoot. Then I lured him downstairs, and secured him in the livingroom kitchen area.
Ah, Sleep...
He was been good at letting me sleep, except when he's expecting the alarm clock should be going off. This has saved me a couple of days. He must have been saving up all this spunk though the hot weather, when there was nought to do but sleep.