I have been dancing a bit, and biking a bit, and walking. From the sweet feeling of biking to work with no after-effects the first time in April or May, I have been bussing part of the way home. Part of this was that once I established that I could bike all the way to work, I started to hurry and also to cross the bicycle bridge over Hiawatha. Have you seen that thing? I just figured if I could do it, I should do it. I wasn't too proud to walk over, if I couldn't make it. Trouble is, I have a high pain threshold. Ended up with a groin strain from doing that shit. My left side is weaker, and I didn't fully appreciate that. You see, this is me trying not to blame my PT, for dissing all of my exercise choices, and causing me to get deconditioned. So now I take the bus part-way home from work. I was doing really well after my vacation, until I decided I could grocery shop on the bicycle. That were dumb. Haven't quite bounced back from that.
In general I have more energy. Yay vitamin D!
Yesterday I danced, and today I did my resistance training. I scraped and painted the trim on one side of the garage. This meant I needed to lift and carry the ladder. I was whupped; for about an hour. I've also been roasting some members of the nightshade family. They are very cheery. The tomatoes and peppers and garlic came from last weekend's trip to the farm. There will be another on Tuesday.
Friday, I got a new lock on my front door. It the center where the key goes, was slipping backward. I have recently broken a key. It was time. B also helped me fix my back doorknob, so there is like a knob on either side of the door. The kitchen also got cleaned.
I have officially discovered PD James, and at the moment have a book on tape.
Also, if you remain in the life of a writer for long enough and then read their books, you eventually will see a conversation you had in print. That happened to me this week. I know it was my conversation, because people don't really talk about that stuff.
Was it not a glorious day today? It seems people decided to go inside and watch tv. What's up with that?
The cat, decided to sneak out, and for the first time, he wouldn't let me catch him. For about an hour. Now he is home.