1. marissa
2. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
3. let's get lost by elliott smith.
1. peppermint mocha twist = minty chocolately goodness. plus starbucks donates 5 cents when you buy one :)
2. i made my ipod cool.
3. good pizza
1. after watching the britney spears special like 20 times & reading an article about her i actually kind of like her. haha. i'm not going to lie, womanizer is catchy.
2. magazine
3. plans with old friends
1. what did i learn in religion today?: when we go through life we make a filtering system within ourselves. you will start to filter people based on who they are and what they are becoming. some people you knew will just be in the background.
2. he made his life a lie so he might never have to know anyone, made his life the lie you know. i told him he shouldn't upset her
and that he'd only be making it worse involving somebody else. but I knew that he'd never forget her, while her memory worked in reverse to keep her safe from herself.
3. finished with one of my classes :)
1. Coffee at work
2. but i better be quiet now. i'm tired of wasting my breath carrying on and getting upset.
3. listening to elliott smith while falling asleep. it will work.
1. i think i did pretty good on my math test :)
2. package in the mail
3. registered for classes at roosevelt...i have to take two night classes...yeah, not really what i wanted. but i'm taking a coping with stress class! my dad told me i needed that class haha.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDqLleXb2ow i think i might like emily haines singing it better though
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM5kCRrZ2ZE&NR=12. breakfast at tiffany's.
3. keeping busy at work.
1. i think i'm done christmas shopping..at least the majority of it is done.
2. reading
3. laughing at dinner
1. Megs came home
2. Going shopping with my dad is so entertaining. He is like new to the world. I had to teach him how to swipe his credit card...yikes. Now he thinks that shopping with "his girls" is so much fun he wants to make it a tradition...we'll see about that.
3. I had to be part of a baking fest with my mom. we were very festive & listened to christmas music. which reminded me of our old house & when i was like five.
1. I had to show the sweater I got my brother for christmas already because he is so picky, turns out he loved it. Then he stole it from my room so he could wear it to his friends..the next morning it was in my room where he took it from. haha
2. Batman with the family.
3. Megan slept with me & while she was falling asleep she kind of talked to herself & jumped..i thought she was going to hit me! i couldn't stop laughing.
1. Starbucks.
2. new magazine
3. chuck
1. Officially done at Harper :) hopefully i did okay on my math final. onto lucky school number three.
2. So far I have two A's. (one is in my intro to journalism class..98%! come on)
3. not having to work..even though i wanted to because i need the money. but i went to borders instead. i got two new books which i can't wait to read & i don't know which to start first. but i'm reading like ten books right now & i need to finish one before i start another.
lately i've noticed that i'm becoming like my pops. i'm not sure if that's good or bad. but we've been thinking the same things lately..scary!
since i'm not spending as much money this christmas thanks to a certain person, me & megs are going to get new matching tiffany rings. i am being selfish, but it's okay. i think i'm allowed to be right now.
something is missing..
don't start thinking everything is about you dear.