(no subject)

Oct 13, 2010 19:46

I am waiting for Andrew to finish measuring headphones at work which means I am loose in the office with no supervision. So far he has shown me the dummy heads that they use to measure headphones - and on which he has put googly eyes - although he did complain that the ones I found him weren't big enough. Now I am sitting in front of a post-it that he had stuck to his monitor with a list of things to get from Tesco's - cash, bread and milk. It's been one of those days (tell me about it), so someone else has written Jonnies on the bottom. My first reaction was that they could have spelt it correctly at least!

They've all been out to the pub this afternoon for goodbye drinks for a colleague who is heading to Dyson (yes, even Dyson need acoustic engineers) and so things have got a little silly. One of the listening rooms has been used by Phil and Colin today so the board now says Phil Colin(s). Moral of this story: don't feed men alcohol.

I meanwhile have had a lovely hour this morning with keswindhover and missmurchison browsing the antique shops in Hungerford. I was meant to go all the way to Avebury with them but unfortunately I had an afternoon on the phone to various insurance agents and a photographic studio and Andrew and the Brownie shop lady who doesn't answer her phone and my answerphone cause I've missed calls and....

Miss Murchison is lovely, but do we expect any less? It was really great to be able to meet her and she looks to have been having a lovely time in the UK (Mr Murchison has now gone back to the nest and M:TNG-2 is having far too much fun to spend much time with her mother. Hmm, I remember that phase...) I've picked her and Kes's brains for places to visit in Wales next year. Thankfully I have Kes's posts to remind me of where they said...

Ooh, I get to roll out my 'Andrew's cars...' tag once more as he has bought us a new Land Rover - well, I say new, it was new in 1995 anyway and now has holes in the boot floor where the roof has leaked and the floor has rusted - you can actually see the road fly past if you were lying in the boot while the vehicle was in motion, but it's not recommended. So my schedule for the rest of the week is this:


  • Find the Brownie shop lady before 12 noon tomorrow and get the last bits of the order
  • Go to work and send various poor salesmen to various corners of the planet for as little as possible at as little notice as possible (and sometimes not possible)
  • Leave work and pick up one of the leaders who doesn't drive (but only if she needs a lift: I still have to call her)
  • Go to a Brownie campfire and promise ceremony, eat, sing, get cold and drink hot chocolate (although I am really looking forward to that, if only it hadn't turned cold!)
  • Come home, pack for the half a weekend, collapse and schedule some sleep over the next eight hours.


  • Get up, chuck an assortment of belongings in the car and see Andrew off to work
  • Catch the bus to work and walk through town, not stopping to buy anything (except maybe lunch. That much I'm allowed.)
  • Go to work and send various poor salesmen to various corners of the planet for as little as possible at as little notice as possible (and sometimes not possible). Oh, and the VAT return.
  • Get picked up by Andrew at 4pm and go to Dorking to collect said holey Land Rover
  • Introduce it to its new home outside Andrew's parents (yes, they've sort of been pre-warned)
  • Collapse in a heap and sleep.

There's more. Will edit later....

andrew's cars are held up with string, silly - very silly, 42

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