Aug 05, 2010 22:10
I may have a job! It's temporary at the moment but may go permanent. It's working for a company whose staff travel all over the world (they work with mobile phone companies) and I will be making sure that the travel costs are as low as possible. And looking at ALL their receipts. I'm currently doing the European VAT reclaim for 2009. Only another seven and a half months' worth of receipts to go....
We also may have a house! We've had an offer accepted and the mortgage approved in principle, but I will be happier once we've received the survey and we know whether there's anything to worry about - apart from the necessary new windows and almost total redecoration...
And we are currently watching our way through the old A-Team so the song is on permanent loop in my head at the moment - and the above icon is getting major use 'cause Universal produced the show!
The other reason for going through the A-Team is that there is nothing else at all on tv at the mo! I even watched the Katie Price and Alex Reid three-parter about their wedding blessing hoo-ha! I know that True Blood is on in the States, but we've decided to go legal with regards to tv so will have to wait for that to come to the UK satellite channel (and to hope that we're in the house by then and have Sky as it's not on Freeview!), therefore I'm having to wait for Eureka too and there is nothing filling in the gaps over here. I hate to say this but I'm really looking forward to September!