I've recently had loads of stuff I wanted to write about. Unfortuantely I am rather rambly so mostly don't end up posting what I've written due to the dyslexic spider being drunk when I'm writing.
Therefore I never wrote about getting a job - or, more specifically, some work - as it's a temp job and I didn't know how long it was for. This was four weeks ago and today I got the phone call telling me they've found a friend of a friend to do the job permanently. Bum. Not that I'm too disappointed. I got the feeling yesterday that they were running out of work for me to do and I always knew that it wasn't for forever as I wasn't planning to stay there anyway. However I might have told them that, which isn't the best thing to do. I will remember to keep my cards closer to my chest in future. Like I did at the cleaning supplies company. That was rather successful.
The thing is, getting the job was total child's play. It went like this. I'd joined a job hunt website that required me to upload my CV, then I went to a job fair and actually updated my CV and then I remembered to put it on the site too. Within three hours a recruitment agency that I'd never heard of called and asked me if I could start a two day a week job the next Tuesday! As it was 5.30 on a Friday they needed a fast answer so I said yes, registered with them that Monday and then started! During the three and a half weeks I've been there I've been offered a day with the silly agency that I signed up with cause they were at the fair and a job from another agency who said "Do let us know when you're free, we're desperate for part-timers." So I've got an appointment with them on Friday. Oh and in all this time I've heard nothing from Reed, aka, the agency who sent me to the distribution centre...
As an aside, Andrew is putting all his (and eventually my) music onto a computer server for a reason I haven't quite worked out yet, but it involves accessing it anywhere in the house and uses something called a Squeezebox. Because his music is nice and listenable to, he is. But why do I have to listen to it too?
Ah, that would be because I like my armchair where it is and would have to relocate upstairs to try to get away from the music. Never mind...
P.S. Got a
Greatest Journal, just in case... Although now I've read the journal that
missmurchison linked to, I'm getting more concerned about what's going to happen here in the future.