There are several different positions you could take on in the Imperial Capital Defense Program. On your application, you will specify which role you would like to fill with your character.
Koubu Pilot: This is the position of the main fighters of the teams. You would be expected to pilot koubu in battles against the enemy demons. Koubu pilots are also expected to perform in musicals and plays.
Back-up Pilots: Those in this position may or may not see battle. They are called in when an enemy is overwhelming for the main fighters. Like the koubu pilots, they are encouraged to try out for plays and musicals.
Supporting Teams: There are a list of teams that help make the koubu pilots' job easier. They also help out those working in the main offices that give out the orders.
Medical team: If your character is a doctor, nurse, surgeon or anything else in the medical field, they'd be welcome on this team. They help patch up koubu pilots and other agents.
Information Gathering: This is on the field information gathering. It generally entails spy work. This can be just as dangerous as fighting as a koubu pilot, but they can't really give you a big shiny robot for it.
Imperial Capital Defense Offices/Labs/Workshops: There are other ways to work for the Imperial Capital Defense Program outside of theater work.
Mechanics/Handy-person: As a mechanic, it would be your job to keep all the machinery in tip-top shape. You would make sure koubu are ready for battle at all times, and you'd have to repair them after serious damage. Handy-people will be in charge of repairs within the offices, theaters and mansions.
Scientists and/or Researchers: If your character is into the science field, they could use their abilities for research. They could find ways to make koubu more effective or learn new information about demons. If you pick a scientist, before announcing a new discovery, please okay it with a mod. This excludes real life discoveries. You only need to okay it with mods if you want to discover something about the demons or koubu.
Office Workers: These guys just do the paper work in the office. You can have them take on any office job, like accountant, receptionist or something of that nature.
Superiors: These sorts of roles are off-limits for the most part. In order to keep everything in place, mods play everyone with a significant amount of power. You can, however, try to request something like "Captain." While you're higher rank, you still answer to mods. We will handle such requests on a case-by-case basis. Please, have a back up plan in case we tell you no.
Theater Staff: These guys don't usually get to see any battle action. They help run the theater in one way or another.
Crew: If you'd like to be part of the crew, you need to specify which area(s) you'd be working in. If you go to this
link, you'll be able to find a list of positions that are available.
Restaurant Staff: Some people could work in the restaurants that are connected to the theater lobby. All of the theaters have one, so it doesn't matter which team you're on. The available positions are: Cooks, wait staff, host, bartender, dishwasher and busser.
Store Vendor: All of the theaters have a store in the lobby. If you chose to be a vendor, you can decide what your store sells. However, there are limited openings for these. There is a maximum of two people per store. If someone else is already working at the store you want to work at, you will have to work something out with them. You can do this IC or OOC.