Fic: 20 Questions

Jan 06, 2012 00:06

Title: 20 Questions

Rating: PG-13

Characters and/or Pairing: Demon!Sam, Fallen!Castiel

Word Count: 604

Summary: Cas interrogates Sam about his demon-ness.

A/N: IMPORTANT - This fic is part of my Darkside Verse, and probably won't make much sense unless you've watched the original trilogy of videos it sprang from.

A/N2: Omg I'm not dead! Sorry for not posting in so long. Thought I'd just add this bit of gen fic to try an get myself back into fandom. Enjoy!

“When did you begin drinking blood?”

Sam glanced at the hipflask he’d just placed down, then back to Castiel and shrugged. “Back when Dean was in Hell.”


“Was still human back then, and this demon called Ruby told me it’d make my powers stronger.”

“Did it?”

A dimpled grin flashed into existence, and Sam sent a significant look across the mostly deserted diner. There was a fruit bowl over on the counter, and as Castiel turned to watch, it rose like someone had lifted it and floated smoothly over to their table.

Nonplussed, the angel pursed his lips as Sam laughingly popped a grape into his mouth. Determining to ignore the display, however, he continued curiously, “And that’s what made you a demon?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

They lapsed into silence for a while as Sam finished his breakfast and Castiel thought this over. After a few minutes, yet another question occurred to him. “What happened to her? Ruby, I mean.”

“Dead,” Sam said promptly, without inflection.


The demon sighed. “Yeah. Was bound to happen, really. Dean always kind of hated her...”

Castiel blinked in surprise. “Your brother killed her? How? Why?”

“Man, you really like playing 20 Questions, don’t you?”

“I’m... curious. You don’t have to answer, of course.”

“Nah, it’s okay.” Sam pushed his plate away, idly crunching a last piece of toast. “Well. I was sort of a mess, the way she had me. She’d, yanno, give me just enough to keep me hooked, then make me wait so I’d get desperate for it again. Went on for maybe six, seven months, getting worse, til Dean showed up.”

“When he left Hell.”

“Yeah. Anyway. He took one look at me and shut it all down before I could do a damn thing. Locked me up, actually. Went into withdrawal within the hour.”

“I would not have thought Dean would... object to the transformation you were undergoing.”

“Oh, he didn’t. He objected to Ruby, and how she was doing it. So yeah, two days later and I’m out of my fucking mind, yanno? He brings her in and just... cuts her throat with that knife, right there in front of me. Tells me to drink what I could while I had the chance.” He shrugged again, maybe a little defensively. “So I did.”

Castiel raised his eyebrows and refrained from comment.

Sam smiled wryly. “Had to drink from him for a while after that - which, let me tell you, got very weird, very fast.” He winced. “But hey, did the trick, right? Was full demon within the month, and I could do my own hunting after that.”

The angel considered this for several minutes while they sat together waiting for Dean. Sam bitched idly about how much longer his brother could possibly want to spend in a public restroom, but Castiel knew the other demon had probably just grown distracted in flirting with a waitress somewhere. The thought didn’t really bother him, not anymore. He’d come to learn that Dean was much more likely to kill her than to fuck her, if that was indeed the case, and he could live with that.

Still, best not to dwell.

A final thought occurred to him about the topic they’d been discussing, and he tilted his head in Sam’s direction. “Considering you still need to consume blood to maintain your powers, it’s theoretically possible that if you stopped, you may return to being human. It would be difficult, but... feasible.”

Sam smiled like it was something he’d already considered. “Probably. But why would I wanna do that?”

Castiel couldn’t think how to answer.

darkside 'verse, fic, supernatural, gen, team free will

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