Okay, I know I've got few readers, but listen up! You've all heard about the 2012-stuff? Right, I'venever believed it.
It's scary that so many actually are afraid of this, there are people who have commited suicide for less, it's scaring kids and adults all over the world! Why would someone want little children to ask what the meaning of life is and why we even bother to live since 2012 is the end anyways. I feel so, so, so sorry for the persons who truly believe in this stuff, but finally(!) there's help!
If you feel like you need to get some fact corrected or know someone that's terrified of 2012, read this article, give it to your friends, post it everywhere and make others become aware of this scam!
http://www.2012hoax.org/ Please do this, I think the truth'll make life easier for some of us.
Thank you.