Drabble: Rainbow Road

Jul 17, 2006 17:04

gigaers? sweeter? This is your fault. Totally and completely. You made my writing muse come back. Kinda. Ish. Yeah. ._.;

Title: Rainbow Road
Fandom: Air Gear
Pairing: YoshiSano (...stfu.)
Warning(s): None.
Rating: G/PG
Word Length: ~857
Summary: Sano's still bothered about losing the Flame Road, and Yoshitsune has just the cure. Maybe.
Author Notes: I haven't written anything in ages, and after that lovely break, I come back with this piece of crap thing. Yeah. ._.; I think I'm going to go hide in the closet now. *skitters off* 8D

The first general meeting for Genesis wasn’t going too well for Sano.

About five feet away from him was the one person in the AT world he tried the hardest to avoid: Spitfire. More than once his temper had flared, nearly causing him to make a fool out of himself in front of a very large crowd, and really, that was the last thing he needed to do in front of that bastard.

Simca had promised that later meetings would involve fewer people but that he’d just have to tolerate the other today.

Sano sighed quietly, eyes pointedly kept away from the Flame King. His fingers agitatedly drummed on the tabletop, his mind hardly on whatever speech Spitfire was making. He’d probably regret it later, but for now, his mind was too preoccupied trying to keep him from lashing out at random.

He exhaled slowly in an attempt to calm himself down, eyes closing as he did so. He could deal with this. He could manage. Right. Deep brea-

“Stop that.”

Sano’s eyes shot open, and he looked down at the hand that was pressed on top of his own. There was an irritated look on the Rumble King’s face. Ah yes, Yoshitsune: His cigarette smoking, bra stealing, and Tetris-loving boyfriend, lover, or… something along those lines.

Embarrassed for being chided like that, Sano slowly pulled away his hand and settled it into his lap. He kept quiet for the rest of the meeting and didn’t drum his fingers anymore. However, that didn’t mean that he felt any better about Spitfire being in the same room as him.


The meeting had finally ended and people were starting to drift apart. Cars, bikes, people simply riding on ATs disappeared into the night. Simca made a few rounds saying goodbye to everyone before leaving with Spitfire. Few people actually cared about that little fact, but for one, it felt like an insult unlike any other.

“Hey. You still bothered about losing the Road to Flameboy?”

Sano had his car keys in hand and was about to set off when he heard Yoshitsune’s question. He slowly turned, a distracted look on his face. Yeah, it was pretty sad that something like that was still bothering him; how long had it been already? Forcing a smile on his face, Sano laughed.

“You kidding me? I was just annoyed that the meeting took so long,” he replied with a light shrug of the shoulders. Yoshitsune took a few steps closer before pulling his cigarette out of his mouth and giving Sano a long, hard stare. “You’re a shitty liar, you know that?”

Sano kept his mouth shut.

“Don’t you worry your queer noggin, buddy. I’ve got just the thing to cheer you up,” the other said, a wicked grin spreading across his features. Yoshitsune motioned for Sano to get into his car, as he slipped in on the other side. “My place.”


Yoshitsune’s apartment probably held more electronic gadgets than a store carrying them did. There were screens, towers, laptops, gaming consoles, keyboards, and controls everywhere, and Sano had to carefully pick his way around the floor to avoid stepping on anything. After finally entering the living room, he took a seat on the couch, careful to not sit on any of the controls or remotes thrown about.

Down the hall, the other had gone off in search of something or another - an old item he hadn’t seen in years. There was some faint mumbling in the background, followed by a loud crash, but Yoshitsune appeared triumphantly a short while later, a rather bent paper crown in his hands. “Now we just straighten it out,” he said, popping the thing into a somewhat regular shape. “And here’s your crown.”

Without waiting for a response, the Rumble King pressed the crown onto the other’s head. When Sano reached up to grab it, Yoshitsune gave him a look. “Leave it, Sano.” He smirked and turned around to fiddle with… with something by the television. “You’re going to be a king and you’ll have your own road~”

What the hell was Yoshitsune talking about? Kings and roads weren’t created in living rooms; they were made outside using ATs! Sano frowned slightly, arms moving to cross lightly over his chest. He silently watched the other, trying to figure out what exactly the other meant.

There was a small beep and then the sound of a cartoon-like car horn being honked. Seconds later, there was the sound of Mario, Yoshi, and Princess Peach in the background, too. Sano blinked. Was that Mario Cart?

Yoshitsune turned around slowly, cigarette flipped up slightly toward the ceiling. He then bowed slightly and gestured grandly at the television. “The Rainbow Road awaits, oh King of Gay.”

. . .

Several hours later, it was discovered that while Yoshitsune had deemed him the ruler of the Rainbow Road, Sano had a hard time not falling off the stage while driving. The paper crown had long been forgotten, and it sat askew on top of his head. The title and road were hardly on Sano’s mind. Neither was Spitfire.

Mission accomplished.
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