new layout

Jul 08, 2006 16:26


Whew! That was an interesting adventure in coding. *laughs* Anyways. As the subject line says, I've got a new layout up. My last one, as much as I adored it, was actually starting to bother me in how dark the color scheme was, and well, uh. *coughs* I'm afraid a certain muse of mine has been eating my brain of recent. A lot. 8D;;

So yeah. The layout features Sano Yasuyoshi from Air Gear, which is drawn by Oh! Great. (Yeah, yeah. I bet a few of you were expecting something like this at some point.) It's a lovely series if you don't mind a lot of fanservice. *laughs* But for all the girls with big boobs, the guy draws some really gay pretty boys. ^^;

Um. Yeah. I also adjusted the userinfo page to match and made a new default icon. So um... yup. That's about all from me. Hope you all are having a lovely day. ♥
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