週末YY JUMPing Livestage

Sep 19, 2010 02:32

This week livestage is SCORE
At first I was thinking y only YabuHika but then they showed SUMMARY concert clips!!!
So...be prepared for my picscam before I post the livestage XP
I really want this DVD >.<
(kinda Hika-bais? well not really just a few more with him ;D)







yamada ryosuke 山田涼介, inoo kei 伊野尾慧, yy jumping 週末YY JUMPing, summary concert, yabu kota 薮宏太, nakajima yuto, yaotome hikaru 八乙女光, hey say jump, morimoto ryutaro 森本龍太郎, hey say 7, arioka daiki 有岡大貴, okamoto keito 岡本圭人, score, takaki yuya 高木雄也, chinen yuri 知念侑李

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