スクール革命! Live Stage n translation ^^

Sep 07, 2010 03:07

This week スクール革命! Livestage is TIME <3
I can only say that I really luv this livestage ^^
Esp. Chii's voice...it seems unique to me somehow in the starting >.<
Also all B.I.Shadow members are there too!!!
There will be screencaps later but let's get to the report first ^^

This week's theme:

The show started by Uchimura Sensei asking abt Kasuga going to JUMP concert
He sat at the front row and took Hika's uchiwa,shouting Yao-chan down there o_0
Hika said that he was seriously a nuisance
Worst...as JUMP members will throw signed balls to the audience...Kasuga actually got one n it was Hika (How I wish I could get it instead)
Yamazaki said that this is smth like what a stalker will do while Hika is kinda blank faced...

Next to the real program...
Uchimura showed 2009 most popular name ranking

2009年度 人気名前ランキング 男の子 女の子1位大翔 (Daito-Hiroto-Haruto...)1位陽菜(Hina-Haruna...)2位翔 (Sho-Kakeru)2位美羽 (Miu-Miha-Miwa...)3位瑛太・大和 (Eita/Daiwa-Hiroko...)美咲 (Misaki-Miki...)
Yamazaki commented that names with 羽 (Hane) seems to be very popular...

Then they introduced today's guest sensei: Kentou Kobayashi and Karazawa Shunichi

Qns: Out of all the SK members, whose family  name ranking is one of the top?
Yama-chan and others said his Yamada
Yama-chan and Chii: Yamazaki
Ans: 12th is Yamada
          21st is Yamazaki
Reason why there r a lot of family names with Yama...
70%of Japan land are mountainous region
On the other hand Hika's Yaotome is one of the rare family name, ranking no. 27,292 (Cool ^^)

Origin of Oodorii (Wakabayashi n Kasuga grp name-Audrey in eng)
To posess the strong spirit of nobles (but do they really have that?)

Next they revealed the ranking of Jap family names
3rd: Takahashi (高橋)
Origin: As Japan has lots of moutainous region, when there is moutain, there will be valley. Then ppl will build bridge to connect  between different areas. There high leveled bridge (高い橋 Takai Hashi) later became Takahashi.

2nd: Suzuki (鈴木)
Origin: The rice straws after being harvested is called suzuki

1st: Sato (佐藤)
Origin: In Japan, the most prosperous noble is the Fujiwara clan. Those who work for the Fujiwara clan as Suke (佐) are then called Sasuke by combining thew two kanji 佐( suke) and 藤(fuji).
There are also a lot of other family names with 藤(fuji) like Kondo (近藤) and Fujimoto (藤本) etc.
4th: Tanaka (田中), 5th: Watanabe (渡辺), 6th: Ito (伊藤), 7th: Yamamoto (山本), 8th: Nakamaru (中村), 9th Kobayashi (小林), 10th: Kato (加藤)

Moving on they introduce some rare family  names
前 (すすめ) Susume

九 (いちじく) Ichijiku *One word (before ten) then is nine
Yamazaki: Ichitaraz *:One more n it will be enough
Maomi: To no Mae *Before ten

十 (もぎき) Mogiki *if u shift the kanji 木 (moku)
Yamazaki: Kurosu *Cross

十八女 (さかり) Sakari
Kasuga: Otoshigoro

月美里 (やまなし) Yamanashi *Becos if u can see the moon in a beautiful countryside, there is no mountain
Wakabayashi: Taira
小鳥遊 (たかなし) Takanashi *As the birds are playing, it means there are no falcons
Yama-chan: Yaneue *On top of roof
They asked Hika to guess but he said Birunashi: there is no building...
In the end Kasuga ans corectly

Following are some rare names
光 (らいと) Raito-Light
As Hikaru is also this kanji, they asked Hika to guess but he said Musashi as it was a name his parents wanted to name him at first...Worst he ans in confidence although the kanji for Musashi is diff XP
 In the end Yamazaki ans correctly

原子 (あとむ) Atomu-Atom

真珠 (ぱーる) Perru-Pearl

紗音璃 (しゃねる) Shaneru-Chanel
Kasuga got it right away

七七七 (ななみ) Nanami *Cos there are three seven...nana wa mitsu so nanami
Yamzaki got it right

光宇宙 (ぴかちゅう) PikaChuu
Chii: Pikkuban
Hika: Paaman
Maomi: Utoran *Ultraman

Next section: U will be shocked if u noe...the maru batsu quiz of names
Those who say correct will stand in the [O] box while those who say wrong will stand in the [X] box
Guest sensei Kentou Kobayashi also joined in

Q1) In Japan, the least no. of strokes for Jap name and family name is 2 stokes.
[O]: Maomi, Yamzaki, Chii, Wakabayashi, Kentou
[X]: Hika, Yama-chan, Kasuga, Yuugo (Smth I spotted...Yuugo is taller than Hika, Yama n Chii =.=)
一 一 (Ninomae Hajime)
The longest name in Jap: 藤本 太郎喜左衛門将時能 (Fujimoto Taroukizaemonnoshoutokiyoshi)

Q2) The surname that most ppl have in the world is Sumisu (スミス/Smith)
[O]: Yamazaki, Chii
[X]: Wakabayashi, Maomi, Kentou, Hika, Yama-chan, Kasuga, Yuugo
Ans: wrong
China's 李 (li) is the most common...just in China n Korea there r abt 100 million ppl
Smith is the surname most ppl have in US abt 2.8 million
Sato for Japan abt 2 million
In old Yolgoslavia there are many ppl with Vitchi as a name as it means OO's child

Q3) The county with the most no. of surname is Japan
[O]: Chii, Hika, Yama, Kentou, Maomi
[X]: Yamazaki, Yuugo, Wakabayashi
Ans: Wrong
The correct country is America...there are abt 10 million types of name

Q4) There is no surname for the Imperial family
[O]: Yama-chan, Hika, Wakabayashi, Yamazaki n  Kentou
[X]: Chii, Yuugo, Maomi, Kasuga
Ans: Correct
The Imperial family is the symbol of Japan. So they are not recorded in the country's family register.

Q5) In Edo period, there is no family name for samurai
[O]: Hika, Yama-chan, Yuugo, Wakabayashi, Yamazaki
[X]: Chii, Kentou, Kasuga, Maomi
Ans: Wrong
There are a few samurais with surnames like 井原西鶴 (Ihara Saikaku)、小林一茶 (Kobayashi Issa)

Q6) There are surnames that starts with ん (n) in Japan
[O]: Hika, Chii, Yuugo, Yamazaki, Wakabayashi, Kasuga, Maomi, Kentou
[X]: Yama-chan
Ans: Wrong
In republic of Africa there are ppl with n as a surname

Q7) In Okinawa, the no. of ppl with Chinen as surname is more than the no. of pll with the suname of Sato and Suzuki
[O]: Yama-chan, Chii, Wakabayashi, Maomi
[X]: Hika, Yuugo, Kasuga, Kentou, Yamazaki
Ans: Correct
It is abt 20 times more.

After this part of the show is "Names that are special by chance"
They guess the name of some ppl whose name becomes special due to smth

1) Hint: ex-Head of nursery School, the most grateful name in Japan, the full name is a grateful name
Maomi: Miroku Bousatsu (弥勒菩薩) a buddha
Hika: Doumo Arigatou
Ans: Ariga Tai (有賀たい) *Arigatai means grateful
This women original family name is Fujii but after she married, her family name changed to Ariga (his husband one)

2)Hint: She noes Oodorii, 3rd in Karate world competition, have a deep relationship with Oodorii
Maomi: Odou Ri
Chii: Wakabayshi Kasuga
Ans: Wakabayashi Kasuga
Due to this her blog access rate increased and was always asked to do Toosu that Kasuga always do. At first she like to wear a pink vest but now she won't wear one.

3) Hint: Dentist, A name that is Japan no.1 which seems to be strong in a match and to achieve success
Yamazaki: Shiniku En (歯肉 炎) Gum infection
Yamazaki/Ans: Suzuki Ichirou (鈴木一朗)
This is the name of a pro baseball player in Japan
When the stuff asked what he think abt the baseball player: He is building up himself by working hard and becos of the support of fans and teammates families, he was able to make a major and great record of 200 safe hit for nine yrs. Thank you very much.

4) Hint: face appearance, most seasonal now, very popluar in the nation, his name is Ryoma
Yamazaki: Lady Gaga and he knows the ans after the third hint is out
Moami/Ans: Sakamoto Ryoma (坂本龍馬) Famous Historical Figure
He is the chief editor. Due to his name, he was recommanded as the chief editor of "Ryoma"  and cannot ignore dispute. He is the middle man for everything. Her daughter name is Ryou (竜).

5) A picture is showed and they have to guess their name.
To all of the members' shock, they were all called Tanaka Hiroka (田中宏和).

The staffs also went to a town(Imizu City) with rare names.
The ppl in this place have names like fish and seasoning ingredients...
One person'd surname is Tsuri (釣), which is actually fishing and those who have this surname are mostly fishermen.
Moving on is Furo (風呂), which means bathtub.
Nxt is Suidou (水道), which is water supply and that person's husband is working in smth related to water supply.
After water supply we have confectionary Kashi (菓子)
Even more shocking there is Cow Ushi (牛) as surname!!! To make it worst the person is borned in the yr of Ox =.=
There are also ppl with Miso (味噌) as the surname -_-'"
There are so many surnames as ppl change them due to theirs jobs n liking.

Last is a section where they intro some rare place names
The foothold between the stones are small so it is dangerous to walk in big steps while the latter is that the foothold between the stones are wide so it is dangerous to walk in small steps.

2)金玉落としの谷 (Kintama Otoshi no Tani)
Origin: In Asakura period, the war traning for the city soldiers is to pick up golden balls on the floor.

3) Kairaku Iriguchi (快楽入口)
Origin: It is surrounded by river.

4) Scheveningen (スケベニンゲン) in Holland
Origin: It means able to distinguish spies as spies will have doubt when reading it.

5) Panti (パンティ) in Malaysia

6) Kintomaani (キンタマーニ) in Indonesia



matsumura hokuto 松村北斗, school kakumei スクール革命!, time, yamada ryosuke 山田涼介, kochi yuugo 高地優吾, kikuchi fuma 菊池風磨, nakajima kento 中島健人, jump no.1, yaotome hikaru 八乙女光, translation, hey say jump, bi.shadow

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