Title: First Movement
Fandom: Darker Than Black
Characters/Pairings: Yin, Huang, Hei
Rating: G
Warning: Vague spoiler for “The Fallen Star of a Contract…”
Disclaimer: Darker Than Black is owned by Tensai Okamura, BONES, Aniplex, and Square Enix. I own the stories I write.
Summary: For Yin this is where it starts.
Word Count: 74
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"She was just a Doll."
"Don’t say that."
Yin listens to the strangled rasp of Hei’s outburst to Huang’s statement. She listens as she stands with bare feet in a dirty puddle of water, grime and oil swishing between her toes.
She knows where their target has gone.
Afterwards, Yin sits still and quiet in her little tobacco shop. In the blackness of her sightless world, she recalls Hei’s words and wriggles her toes.