Title: Tension & Want
Fandom: Darker Than Black
Characters/Pairings: Yin, Hei, Huang, Mao
Rating: G
Warnings: Small spoiler for “Red Giant Over Eastern Europe …”
Disclaimer: Darker Than Black is owned by Tensai Okamura, BONES, Aniplex, and Square Enix. I own the stories I write.
Summary: In which a Doll begins to feel again.
Word Count: 345
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Yin cannot be certain without a source of water to verify, but she knows-from the stairs she has climbed, the sound of city noise floating up from below, and the air filling her lungs being just a bit sweeter-that she and her companions are standing on the roof of a building.
That does not mean that the atmosphere is without a heady presence-thick and heavy. Hei could probably cut it with one of his forked knives. Huang is usually the one who makes the air feel as though it is pressing down, making it hard to move through with his uncouth comments and insults. Now though, Huang spits out reprimands, Mao growls out lectures and Hei bites out dismissals. The air is sweet, but Yin can find no respite with her current company.
Even without sight, Yin can feel where each of her teammates is located. Huang stands to Yin’s right, Mao on the same side but a little farther past Huang’s position, and Hei stands to Yin’s left. From the way their voices carry on the wind, she knows they are all facing one another, but there is a shift at the end of the conversation.
Hei is turning and stepping away.
Once before, earlier in the mission, Yin had let Hei leave with Havoc. The Doll had not thought it important that Hei leave at the time, but now she knows that if Hei leaves without consent bad things would happen: the mission could fail and members of their team would be in danger.
Something in Yin’s chest hangs heavy and something in her stomach rolls at the thought.
She steps forward and catches Hei’s gloved hand in her own.
Still it is not enough to keep him there, to keep him from leaving.
She wonders if she should go after him since she has no water to track him, but she has not been ordered to do so. That does not stop her from curling her empty hand and angling her face in the direction in which Hei went.