Those eyes

Jan 26, 2010 19:25

We filmed the PSA today. I wasn't in it but I was director which was pretty fun. I think it was edited 6th hour, but I didn't get to find out how it went since I went to an ortho appointment during 7th hour when I would have seen K-bang who filmed and edited it. I'm excited none the less to see it in 6th hour on Thursday along with the whole school.

I'd write more about filming the PSA (cause it was freaking hilarious), but I'm tired, and thus having trouble but thoughts together coherently.

Anyway I wrote this short fic in English class today. It's not that great, but yet I'm oddly attracted to it. Well see if it ever gets cleaned up a posted on

Fandom: Yugioh GX
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh GX
Title: Eyes

He wanted to hate Haou. He wanted to hate those cold golden eyes with all his heart, but he couldn't. He wanted to stare those golden eyes down, and yell, scream, and tell him how he had ruined his life, but he couldn't. He just couldn't.

Oh he could look into his own mirror just fine; stare into his own warm brown eyes. He could yell and say everything to his own reflection that he wanted, couldn't, say to Haou. It was silly really. Haou and he was the same person. The only difference was their eye color and personality. It was those damned golden eyes that were stopping him.

He guessed that the reason he couldn't yell at Haou was because Haou was himself; his inner most, darkest self. Haou had killed his friends in the Dark World, but yet when Juudai actually thought about it, it wasn't Haou who killed him, but Juudai himself. Deep down inside did he really want his friends dead? Was that why Yubel had practically killed everyone when he was little? Was he doomed to a life of loneliness and he didn't even know it? It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense anymore.

Juudai hung his head in the dark recesses of his mind. The mirrors surrounded him, mocking him. Reflecting his reflection, his loneliness, his inner demon. Tears made their way silently down his cheeks. He was lost to everything, even himself, that he didn't noticed when the other came up behind him. Nor did he notice when Haou pulled Juudai into his embrace. Vaguely he registered and remember that cold emotionless voice in his ear. Its message echoing in his empty mind.

"Just accept the Darkness, Juudai. You can't escape it."

The brown left Juudai's eyes and was replaced with Haou's own. The gold however wasn't cold or piercing, but dull and unseeing. Haou left the other, broken, to drown himself in misery and despair. Haou didn't care, he just need his other half's body, and now he had it. Dark World would soon fall under his rule, and the one person capable of stopping him was a broken mess in a corner of his mind.

- end

Notes: For all you grammar Nazi's out there (looks to one in particular) I know that darkness is capitalized in the quotes and it supposed to be. I'd explain, but you wouldn't understand because 1 I'm explaining and 2 you haven't seen the show.

Also I added some stuff when I typed and I'm more pleased with it than the rough draft in my notebook. This might actually find its why to and soonish.

yugioh gx,

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