
Jan 12, 2010 20:04

As much as a hate my school (which is a lot). I have to say they did do one good thing. They bought a new Music Tech Lab for us this year. The probably bought about thirty new computers, thirty computer made piano keyboards, sixty pairs of the really nice headphones (the kind that you can't hear anything else when you wear them),a bunch of music software (Music Ace is one of them), and some other things that I don't actually know what they are because we haven't used them yet.

We have a Music Tech class that one of the band directors teaches, that now I'm thinking about taking it senior year. I'm just happy we get to use the lab for Band sectional instead of doing god awful rhythm sheets. We're playing Music Ace, and its reminded me how much I love and hate that game at the same time. We're using a newer addition of the game than the one Mom bought years ago. The new one's better in a lot of ways. They've made the tests easier, and it gives you a little more time to think. Unfortunately they added new rhythm lessons to the games. Rhythm is something the band struggles with and so their good lessons, but I don't like some of the ways they go about testing it.

In the test you get four lives for each stage. You get bonous points for all the ones you didn't use, and they respawn with every stage. The first rhythm game (as I'm going to call them now) was to keep tempo by clicking. That was easy after the thrid try when I finally figured out what the one sentece direction was asking. The other game in that test was they'd play a song, and off to the side have two and then three balls bouncing and you'd have to choose they one that was on the beat. That was a lot harder especially since it didn't really distiguish tempo in my openion. I just barely passed that one.

The other lesson that I've taken for rhythm was like the first. The fisrt game was fun and I could do it. The second not so much. The first half was tick-tac-toe where you clicked an insturment. One insturment would play a rythem, and then the one you clicked would play. you had to shoose if they werer the same or different. You repeated until you got three in a row.

The next game is one that I truly hate. One instrument plays a rhythm, and then you have to echo it. The thing is they don't have a visualize for the rhythm. You have to play it back by memory and if your late or early you lose a life. This is a problem for me because I can't sight-read rhythms nor can I play them by ear. I need a visual and audio at the same time and then I can play it (this is for hard rhythms only. Easy ones I can sight-read no problem). I plan to conveniently skip that lesson tomorrow without either band director knowing.

school, band

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