Music Meme, Day 29 + 30 (Le late edition)

Apr 02, 2011 18:47

Directions: EVERY DAY ANSWER ONE QUESTION AND POST A VIDEO OF THE SONG ON YOUR WALL. Label it as... Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc., then that day's question and the Artist and the Song title. HAVE FUN!! :D

Well, I'm rarely one to actually follow a meme's directions.
Looking over the original categories, I can't answer (or don't care) about half of them. So I think I'll go with a bit more free-form style of just picking 30-some-odd songs and writing up a bit about them.
I should say at the default that I have no particular musical tastes or knowledge. I listen to trashy pop most of the time. Still, I will make an attempt to pick reasonably good music.

Meme Masterpost
Yesterday's post: Lindsay Lohan, “Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)"

day 29 - a song from your childhood -
There was a song that instantly came to my mind. A song from church, oddly enough. And, surprisingly, there were a few youtube vids of people singing it, though not really any of good quality.
But frankly I don't want to think back on my church days.

In lieu of that, I'm going to go with something else that's embedded pretty deeply in my memory.
Warning, '90s anime dubbing ahead.

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Jennifer Chihi, “My Only Love”
Spoiler: Sailor Moon is, in fact, the Moon Princess.
Dn't laugh, but when I was in elementary school, this scene was seriously hardcore. Darien was dead, damnit. That's like seriously all I remember - Serena just sobbing her eyes out because he got stabbed. Actual emotion in my cartoons? What was this magic? (Along with the kids in Digimon actually getting older, this stuff blew my mind and made me into an anime fan.)

Some time after this, though, I found the translations of the original manga-and it was, like, so much more mature. The plot lines were so much darker and everything made so much more sense. So I lost a bit of my love for the anime, or more specifically, the English dub.
As far as the dub goes, though, I still have a soft spot for “The Power of Love”.

day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year -
At first I was going to say, I have absolutely no idea, but then I had a brilliant idea-check my itunes. So obvious. Of course, itunes only tells me when I added a song, not what I was listening to the most. Still, it gives me a rough idea.

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Lady Gaga, “Bad Romance”
God, I hated this song when I first heard it.
Somewhere, though, it grew on me. Possibly because, at least in some areas of fandom, it became the anthem for messed-up love affairs.

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Adam Lambert, “Whataya Want From Me”
I like Adam Lambert. True, camp is not usually my thing, and this music video is--
Wait, wait. Wrong song. I'm thinking of “If I Had You.”
But, anyway. I like Adam Lambert's voice, I like his theatricality (even though it sometimes goes a bit farther into camp than my tastes run, but that's all fine). I have a thing for vulnerable, messed-up, angsty love songs. I like the whole, “I'm messed up, but I'm trying” sort of vibe.

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Orianthi, “According to You”
Never actually saw this music video. Hmmm.
I think this was on the radio for a bit. It's odd. I believe the signer is Australian.
This song seems weirdly cheerful. I mean, on the one hand, you have her mourning her current relationship, which is at least somewhat abusive, but then when she hits the chorus-she's just so purely happy and loved. It's warm. It's a bit like “Just The Way You Are” in its sincerity.

Come to think of it, the guy in the chorus could totally be Bruno Mars to the singer. I wonder if you could mash these up?

music meme

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