Music Meme, Day 23

Mar 23, 2011 23:22

Directions: EVERY DAY ANSWER ONE QUESTION AND POST A VIDEO OF THE SONG ON YOUR WALL. Label it as... Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc., then that day's question and the Artist and the Song title. HAVE FUN!! :D

Well, I'm rarely one to actually follow a meme's directions.
Looking over the original categories, I can't answer (or don't care) about half of them. So I think I'll go with a bit more free-form style of just picking 30-some-odd songs and writing up a bit about them.
I should say at the default that I have no particular musical tastes or knowledge. I listen to trashy pop most of the time. Still, I will make an attempt to pick reasonably good music.

Meme Masterpost
Yesterday's post: Ayumi Hamasaki, “fairyland”

day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding -
Well, this is a bit presumptuous.
Okay, assuming, for one, that I would have a wedding, and, two that I would choose a song-no, that I could choose a song that would be appropriate, not only to me and my partner, but safe for the ears of all the people showing up-...
I have no bloody idea.

So, let's broaden this a bit. Love songs. Companionship songs. Those I can deal with. Point of fact, the second song I did in this meme was “Tabi no Tochuu,” which is one of the sweetest companionship songs I know. I'd also throw “Life is Like a Boat” and “Chasing Cars” in as adorable songs about being together.

But this is for new music. So, with much embarrassment, I have a song.

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Ne-Yo feat. Cassandra Stein, “Never Knew I Needed”, from “The Princess and the Frog.”
This is actually from the German soundtrack. The American/English release had the Ne-Yo only version of the song, which utterly stymies me. It's a love song, from a movie that prominently features both the male and female protagonists being in love, and they didn't release any of the duet versions? (Yes, versions-the Italian soundtrack got a duet version with Ne-Yo feat. Karima). And you can tell that it wasn't something they planned-the music video is pretty obviously cobbled together from two different shoots.
Yes, I'm picking a Disney song.
I just love this song so much. It's not just that the speakers are in love with each other-it's the unexpectedness of it. I'm a deeply introverted person, so I can guarantee that anyone I marry will have to be someone exactly like the one in this song-someone who surprises me with how much I end up wanting to be with them.
Laugh it up. Cheesy song. But when I hear
“Who knew that I could be here
so unexpectedly
undeniably happy
said with you right here, right here next to me”
I feel all warm and fuzzy.

Of course, once I settled on “Never Knew I Needed,” another song immediately popped into my mind-but one that is not, by any stretch of the imagination, wedding-safe.

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Keri Hilson feat. Ne-Yo and Kanye West, “Knock You Down”
On the one hand, much like “Never Knew I Needed,” we have lines like this
“I never thought I fall for you as hard as I did
You got me thinking about our life, our house and kids
Every morning I look at you and smile
Cause boy you came around and you knocked me down”
where, again, we have this emphasis on the sweetness, the unexpected surprise of suddenly being deeply in love.

But then we get to Ne-yo and Kanye West's verses.
Ne-Yo uses...some creative metaphors.
“I never thought I'd hear myself say
Ya'll go ahead
I think I'm gonna to kick it with my girl today
I used to be commander in chief for my pimp ship flying high
Till i met this pretty little missile, who shot me out the sky”
Your...pimp ship? Really? I half roll my eyes and half snort in laughter.

And the second half of the song, surprisingly, deals with Kanye West as the apparent ex-boyfriend, juxtaposing both the sweetness of new love and the bitterness of failed relationships.
...which isn't really good for a wedding, unless you're planning to pull off “The Graduate”-style escapades.
Still, in a world where so many mainstream songs are one-note, this one takes a moment to ask for a second thought. I genuinely don't know if it's a happy song.

What else? I was going to jokingly put up “One Love” by Arashi (aka the song from “Hana Yori Dango Final,” aka the one where the lead characters finally get married), since it's set to a wedding march, but the song is somehow impossible to find on youtube. Nothing but covers and karaoke, even in the Japanese channels. Weird.

So I'll throw up a couple of long shots.

Yuki Kajiura, “To Nowhere”, from .hack//SIGN.
I admit .hack was a weird, slow anime. Because it took place inside of a video game, there were a lot of interesting asides about the reality of identity-i.e., that the person sitting in front of the computer, whom we rarely, if ever see, is a different person than the avatar that we do see.
Which led to the most interesting development-spoiler for the climax of the show-the discovery that the amnesiac main character, who cannot remember his life outside of the game world, is, in fact, a girl in real life. And “he's” started a relationship with another player, who is also female. The epilogue suggests that, when they finally meet in the real world, neither of them really mind all that much.
But that's all background. The song is a bit painful. It's about two people who are traveling, and traveling-but, ultimately, they're together, and that makes any hardship bearable.

I was also considering “Fallen Embers” by Enya-yes, laugh it up-but that's also not on youtube.

I'm half-inclined to just make a throwaway account on youtube myself and put up the songs myself. Perhaps at some later point. They keep cracking down on music...

Ah, I got it. Weddings should have cheesy romantic songs, right?

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Bruno Mars, “Just the Way You Are”

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BoB feat. Bruno Mars, “Nothin' On You”
There, two-fer of cheesy cute love songs.
Even makes a nice parallel. Two Ne-Yo songs, two Bruno Mars songs...

music meme

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