Dec 05, 2011 18:31
The time has come for me to make some changes and bring order into this chaos that my life is. But no worries, deleting my Twitter account and Wordpress Blog is a good change. Twitter just eats up all my time and wordpress...let's just say, I'm not cut out to write any kind of blog for an audience. That's also the reason why this journal is still's a journal, but more than that, it's a diary. My diary, which I only write for myself.
I'm currently re-reading and revaluating all entries, because I want to give the link to this journal to a few people. And of course there are things some people are allowed to read, and some other things which nobody but I should be able to read.
I think this is a good thing..the first step of solving these problems I'm having.
So today I went to the doctor, which whom I had an appointment, only to hear from the secretary that my health insurance had expired...WITHOUT my knowing. Oh hell! Even though it was okay until last Thursday! Well, seems like my father was notified of this about 2 weeks ago, and FORGOT to do anything about it. Even the poor secretary was worried when she saw the look I had on my face while I was trying to solve this problem and talked to the health insurance company on the phone, and she asked me if I was okay.
To tell the truth, I was not, but let's just forget about this. I had to make a new appointment on Wednesday, the 14th December of 2011. One day before that I have an appointment with my GP, and tomorrow is the first "session". Of course I will have to pay the full price >_> Oh hell! What to do! I will have to call the doctor if I can go to that session like this!
This is one of the reasons why I have a LOT of problems lately. But oh well, hopefully a session of Pokémon Firered and Fallout 3 will clear my mind!
Btw I ordered Pokémon SilverSoul with the Pokéwalker for 15€ today from Amazon. And yesterday I put some stuff I don't need anymore for auction on ebay. Hehehe, oh I hope it will rain money *_*
C ya
- Yuu
(PS: Thanks to my checking of old entries I've re-discovered some pretty awesome music tracks...thanks LJ!
*sings* And the reign will kill us all, we throw ourselves against the wall- but no one else can see the preservation of the martyr in me~)
And FUCK, my entries 2007-2009 are HILARIOUS! I wanna write like that again! Even if I sounded like some stupid....girly, I can feel the awesomeness xD