Feb 15, 2008 18:36

YOSH! AGREED SECRET MESSAGE! <3 Yeah, you most likely don't know what that is, cause I'm lame and have recently made up my own alphabet! :D YEAH. IT'S SNAZZY. <3 Bwahahaha, I'm quite fluent in it too, even know I've hardly used it! <3 It's called Mandalingish. xD Bwahaha. I've been asking forcing my friends to use to. <3 They all love it! (I think) xD Look~ You can use it too~ Write me a secret message~ (Or translate this if you want xD) I didn't capitalize any of that. D:

Okay, so anyways, if you didn't notice, I've set up Gregory! :DDD He's the all-in-one I got for my birthday (which is in September. I'm so lazy) but now he's set up, and I'm having a grand ol' time with his scanner! <3 WANT ME TO DRAW YOU A HORRIBLY UNSKILLED PICTURE? Just ask! <3

Alright, on a different note, if you hadn't figured it out, I'm back from my hiatus I think and starting today, and through next week, can we say Feburday vacation? Hoh yes. Quite brilliant. <3 But today was Winter Carnival (which isn't as cool as it sounds D:) but I kinda didn't go, and now I regret it.

Oooh, right. So I've decided something, or, well, realized something. While I am quite obsessed with SasuxNaru or NaruxSasu, whatever I've come to the realization that they aren't actually my OTP. Gasp. Right? You know what my actually OTP is? AkiraxHikura or HikaruxAkira. Gaah, whatever from Hikura no Go. OH GODS. CAN IT BE? My OTP is from an obscure fandom? -weep weep- So unfair. I don't even know why, but I guess, they just work so better in a relationship. Somehow, they belong together so much more better than Naruto and Sasuke. Man that was bad wording.

Uhfff. Anyways, yeah. Ashley got kicked out and is spending the night so I can't be on long. So here's a handwriting MEME that
fireworkflower  (my Waifu <3) tagged me to do, and some adorable pictures of me as a wee child! :D I TAG-- anyone who has a scanner. xDD

Okay. D: That messy stuff is my quick-hand, I lied. Normally, all the 'neat' stuff is my writing.

I was... a very strange child. Still am. xDD Yes, I do believe I'm licking the wall.

Aws. <3 My grammy made me that crown. I'm like two, or a little younger here.

:D I was two here. It's my birthday.

OH HOH HOH. Pure jealousy. xDDD

stuff, hikago, cute, pictures, little, mandalingish, akixhika, scanner, girl

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