I'm gonna go on a hiatus for a while, since I hardly have any interent access. D: Aws.
Though I will try to check things every once in a while, so if you want to tell me something, feel free to leave a comment. Or if you want it to get to me right away, feel free to text me; I've got my number in my profile, or it's hooked up through my aim.
Not that I can think of a reason you'd really need to get a hold of me. xD
Though, when I do come back, me and my Waifu are going to make an rp. It's gonna be snazzy. THINK ABOUT JOININ' IT, YEAH? Be losers with us~
Anyways, for the hiatus occasion, here's my favorite Naruto macro screencap, as brought to us by
morelwen cropped for being effing huge ;
Who can, Naruto? Who can?