Title: I Got You Under My Skin
Prompt: 13, Touch
puddingcatCharacters: Gojyo, Jien & Hakkai
Time: Curses, 15 minutes!
He'd been fascinated with them as a child (although he'd quickly learned that it was safest to leave some people's well alone); for years, the fastest way to cheer him up had been for Jien to let him chase his around & around his head, running in circles until he got dizzy and fell over in a pile of giggles.
(What's this for? he'd asked, poking at the dot on his brother's nose, then shrieking in laughter as Jien had clutched his hands to his face, crying that it was the button to make his nose fall off, and that he’d have to find some glue - or Mum's porridge - to stick it back on.)
He couldn't understand how something that alive could feel no different from the surrounding skin, or how they could hide themselves so completely when suppressed. His childhood fascination was all that got him to relax on bad nights; tracing the memory of the vines across Hakkai's skin until their breathing slowed and they could both sleep.