Fire and Ice - Challenge #4 Opposites - Rated R

Apr 15, 2008 19:32

Title: Fire and Ice
Author: helliongoddess
Pairing: Homura/Shien
Rating: R - some yaoi sex
Summary: The quiet kami and his feelings for “the Flame.”
Disclaimer: Saiyuki is all Minekura-sensei’s, not mine.Notes: written for saiyuki_time challenge #4: Opposites - 45 minutes exactly to write, a few minutes to edit after. 882 words

It was because of days like this that Shien had selected his room on the North face of Konran Castle. Despite the blistering humid heat of the August day, the stone walls of his quarters were cool and dry as he moved through it, quietly putting the last few items in place. He had been tracking Homura’s whereabouts since he left that morning, and as the day had progressed, he had become more and more hopeful that upon his return to Konran, his quarters might be where his Lord would seek refuge. It was his goal to be as prepared as possible for that eventuality.

Homura had departed that morning on another of his expeditions seeking the location of RinRei’s grave. These sojourns of his were solitary and mournful, and it was often after these that he sought out Shien’s comfort and companionship. There was something about the process of traveling the roads and backwoods of the Underworld, seeking and never finding the final resting place of his lost love, that made the bed of the quiet kami a natural stop for Homura-sama. He just found himself craving Shien’s civility and peace after a day of frustration among the chaos and crudeness so inherent in Underworld life. Under Shien’s skillful fingers the frustrations of the day would melt away, his heartbeat would slow, and his mind would calm.

For a devotee of the doctrine of non-attachment, Shien had come to crave these meetings as much as he would allow himself to want anything in this life. The time he spent alone making love with Homura was an exotic and potent drug to him, a rich concoction he had come to need to make the rest of his life possible. It was what gave him the strength now to wield his whips so skillfully in battle, to stand so stoic and still for so long at Homura’s side, to simply be who he was. He lived now for Homura, for those times alone with him. But Homura-sama must never know his need, he would perceive it as a weakness, and he would, of course, be right. So the quiet kami kept his counsel when they were together, biting back the words of love that slid to his lips like sweet wine.

He was just finishing an artful arrangement of sweet-scented freesias - Homura-sama’s favorite - in an jade vase when he sensed Homura phasing in behind him. He was bloody and exhausted, having encountered a large group of youkai blood-drunk on the Minus Wave after his last stop searching for RinRei that afternoon. Homura had almost been glad to see them as he wielded his sword, his smile grim and fixed. He had given them one chance to back down, which of course the fools had declined, and the flashing blur of his sword had been the last image they had seen as it had blazed by them, swiftly ending their lives in broad efficient strokes. But the relief the fight had afforded him had been short-lived, and as he stepped up behind Shien he was tired, dejected, and burning with the heat of the day and effort of battle.

Shien turned wordlessly and nodded his head in a cool bow of greeting, then led his Lord to the bed, where he efficiently stripped him of his soiled clothes.

“If you would care to lie down, my Lord?” he motioned to the bed, covered with a crisp teal silk coverlet, and mounds of pillows for Homura to lean up against at the head. He brought over several items to the bedside, and handed the Taishi a cold beer, first rolling the tall brown bottle over the inside of Homura’s wrists before opening it. Homura could feel the coolness from the liquid moving up his arms as he relaxed into the pillows. He drank deep of the ice-cold slightly bitter ale, grateful for the almost instant rush of relaxation he felt as the alcohol hit his system.

Shien then began cleaning Homura’s skin with a mixture of glycerin and alcohol, scented with almond oil. The scent was soothing, as was the feel of the glycerin, but the alcohol was so cooling against his hot skin, Homura shivered at the trails Shien’s soft cloths left across his body as he worked. He started from his feet and worked up to his thighs, and then from his hands down his arms and chest and back to his groin, cleaning away the grime, and massaging with his skilled fingers anywhere he felt knots and tension, until the bath had totally cooled and cleaned Homura’s hot body, and he was relaxed and comfortable.

“Shien, I believe I am actually getting a little chilled, your therapy is so effective,” Homura purred, an evil grin on his face.

“As you wish, my Lord,” Shien replied, a faint trace of a grin on his lips. He retrieved a small bottle of almond oil from beside the bed and after some pleasurable preparation, slid into Homura and rocked against him, pulling his clean fine body close to his, holding Homura’s beautiful cock as they came together, allowing himself just for that moment to truly feel the heat of the flame, to cry out the name of his god as he came inside him.


pair:homura/shien, challenge:opposites, author:helliongoddess, rating:r

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