(no subject)

Apr 15, 2008 11:50

Title: Jeep
By: yuko_hakubi
Rating: PG-13, for Sanzo's mouth.
Notes: Total time of 45 minutes, for prompt #4-opposites.
Summary: The Sanzo Ikkou get a vehicle thanks to Hakkai. (If I'm completely screwing with canon here, please don't kill me! It's been a long time since I've read the original Saiyuki manga.)

The guy who found Hakuryuu tangled up in pieces of chain was just another demon. The limiters kept his form hidden from humans, but to a dragon with no such boundaries on his mind, the green guy was pure aura with vines wrapped about the entirety of his body. Hakuryuu had more than enough logic to know that *he* was the prey here, the victim, and he was gonna get eaten if the guy had any say about it. If his *aura* had any say about it, anyhow. It was malicious, green (what part of that guy wasn't?) and Hakuryuu could feel the steady hiss of its hunger, growing to warbles, then screams that had to be murder on anyone's ears; it was all but ordering its timely release.

But Hakuryuu couldn't move properly at the moment. He settled for a strange sort of 'kwir' noise in the middle of his mouth, 'get away or I'll bite you.' It was not a deterrent for the demon at all. He knelt and held out a couple of fingers, thinking that Hakuryuu would sniff them or something ridiculous like that.

To hell with being nice to the guy opposite him; he chomped down on the proffered fingers as much as his mouth would allow. To his credit the demon didn't flinch at all.

"Hakkai, just leave the stupid thing alone!" His companion came out of the shadows, and Hakuryuu 'kwirred' around the fingers in his mouth.

"Gojyo, it's hurt and by itself. I won't leave it here."

"It bit you, it's fucking feral. Leave it alone and let's get out of here before Mr. Hoity-Toity Monk gets his panties in a bunch." 'Gojyo' snapped.

Hakuryuu quite liked the half-breed's idea. Hakkai paid not a bit of attention to 'Gojyo's' suggestion, scooped Hakuryuu up in the crook of one arm, and carted him back outside. He pulled off the bits of chain 'round his wings, spreading warmth through them somehow and healing the tears.


"Not so bad now, is it little friend?"

Hakuryuu hissed at him again.

"Gojyo, hand me that meat bun from my pack, would you?"

"Not if you're wasting it on that flying rat."


"Get it yourself."

"Gojyo. I'll chop your hair off again."

The bun was promptly tossed at Hakkai and Hakuryuu, squirming under his arm.

"Here you are, little friend. You're probably hungry after being locked up in that cave for so long."

"Kwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir...." It smelled good. "Kwiiiiiiiiiiir?"

"It's for you." He smiled.

"Kwir." Chomp.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.


"Hakkai got distracted by the flying rat here."

Rat? That deserved a bite if anything did.

Another man wrapped in clothes that flapped and made harsh noises stomped up, brandishing a gun. Bang, bang, bang!

"You're not taking it with us. It'll just be something else we have to feed."

"Maa, maa, Sanzo. I'm not taking it with us. Just healing its wounds." Hakkai insisted.

Hakuryuu decided he'd had enough, flopping down onto the ground. "Kwir."

Boom. Rumble, rumble.

"Hey Sanzo, where'd the car come from?"

"Kwir?" Another demon. Wonderful.

"The rat can turn into a Jeep? Oh, Hell yeah. We're taking it with us."

"Only if he'll let us."

"Kwiiiiiiiiiiiiir." He flipped a door open for Hakkai. "Kwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir."

"I think that's a yes, Hakkai." Gojyo said. "Eh, Jeep?"

Hakuryuu! It's Hakuryuu, you stupid half-breed!

"I suppose Jeep is as good a name as any, for now."

How would he ever get along with all these demons and a monk?

rating:pg-13, challenge:opposites, author:yuko_hakubi

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