Challenge 45: Faith, Sanzo, PG

Mar 02, 2009 01:49

Author: rasphigiCharacters: Sanzo centric, with Hakkai ( Read more... )

challenge:faith, author:rasphigi, char:hakkai, char:sanzo, rating:pg

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the_rotten1 March 2 2009, 09:17:43 UTC
You stole my idea! o.o

Okay, okay... just kidding. Actually, this is completely different from what I wrote about Sanzo for this challenge... you definitely did steal the title though. Now I'm going to have to come up with something else.

Sanzo can be awfully confusing, can't he? I think that is why I like writing him so much, it's always a challenge.

Anyway, I think you did a really good job on this. As hard as it is to nail down what's going on in Sanzo's head, the memory of his master was very real and very touching. It's pretty typical of him to not be able to see how Hakkai can have faith in him as well. Nice work.


rasphigi March 3 2009, 06:27:16 UTC
lol, I don't think it counts as stealing when our stories are practically polar opposites ;p And I can never come up with titles... Next time I'll work harder to come up with some outlandish title, that no one else would think of using ^___^

Mm. I used to think I had a pretty good handle on Sanzo, but lately it's hard to know where his head is at. since his whole Running Off And Being A Moron Arc began
I'm glad you found this coherent, though, I was a little worried. That it made sense to another Sanzo fan is quite reassuring (: Thanks for commenting!


the_rotten1 March 3 2009, 10:19:18 UTC
I can never come up with titles either. In fact, I FAIL at titles in general.

Actually I kinda understand what he was thinking in the whole "running off and being a moron arc". How scary is that?


rasphigi March 3 2009, 18:25:49 UTC
I have theories about why he's been such a moron but ... I want to think well of Sanzo, and the mere fact that he's making such bad decisions (for whatever reason) makes that difficult. *whine* lol, it's really a problem of reconciling what I want from the character with what Minekura's giving us :p Definitely can't wait to see how she resolves this whole foofaraw.


the_rotten1 March 3 2009, 19:13:23 UTC
Well, the way I look at it is: Sanzo is selfish. He's always been selfish. And, after Ukoku attacked Goku, he went a little berserk. Can't blame him, really.

Yeah, I can't wait to see how she resolves it either.


rasphigi March 4 2009, 06:16:13 UTC
he went a little berserk
I'm not saying this is wrong (quite the opposite) ... just that it drives me nuts.
*imagines self smacking Sanzo with fan, shouting "You should have a logical reason for doing things, baka bouzu! Cause! Effect! Think about it!!"*
It is an understandable reaction to events, but still frustrating.


the_rotten1 March 4 2009, 06:21:12 UTC
Hm... maybe that was a bit of an understatement on my part? I'm sure he has a logical reason for it, but his logic doesn't always agree with everyone else's.

It is frustrating though, and rather heartless as far as the other three are concerned, yes?


rasphigi March 4 2009, 19:06:27 UTC
Agreed ... I could wish his logic had more logic in it, and less "Sanzo angry... Sanzo smash". But then he wouldn't be Sanzo. *sigh*


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