Jack Daniels, huh?

Apr 29, 2009 15:19

There was only one app I could vote in, so here it is...

Name: Elisa
Nicknames: I have no nicknames in real life, but online they are Raiden and Beldarius, along with several different variations of them, like Rai, Rai-Rai, Beldi and Bel (I'm named Raiden and Beldarius everywhere, the variations are the nicks of my nicks. XD).
Age: 21

Likes: Anime, manga, reading (mostly fantasy), writing, translating (poems and stuff), history, mythology (Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Japanese, Celtic), animals (wolves~), music (anything goes - classical, too. Beethoven FTW!), astrology, astronomy (sometimes I go out on winter nights and search for constellations), divination (I have a pack of tarot cards right here next to me), learning Japanese, my cat, peace (= not getting disturbed), searching for information about different subjects, finding names and their meanings from different countries (especially Celtic), autumn (I love the sound of rain, the beautiful colors of the leaves, the cool air and the windy days).

Dislikes: Writer's blocks, people who bully others, getting disturbed while I'm doing something, my parents ordering me around ("Clean that, do this, get off the computer now"), exercising (...as in sports), summer and winter (too hot and too cold!). Oh, and spring, too - allergies, see.

Hobbies: ...See "Likes".

Strong Points: I have an exceptionally good memory; my IQ is 135 and I know a lot of stuff; my general knowledge is better than that of the adults in my neighborhood; I'm fairly good at writing (especially humorous); I'm also a very fast reader (I can tell if a page says something with only one glance); I'm very good and very fast at finding information (if you need something looked up in English or Finnish, you know who to turn to); I learn stuff fast (I learned to use the computer and Internet on my own, and I only have to look at a handbook once to learn how to do something and actually remember it...); and I have some linguistic skills (if I've never heard of a language before and see a word from that language, I can instinctively pronounce it right the first time); I can also predict things sometimes. I swear I can. (I predicted the American VA of Masaru aka Marcus from Digimon Savers. I said on the DATS Forums before the dub was announced that Quinton Flynn will probably voice him. XD And I also predicted the English name of Suguru - I said it would be either Stephen or Spencer. XD Go to AnimeNewsNetwork and see what happened!)
I've also been called "a Walking Wiki" and "a person with an information overload" on multiple occasions. But really, only a fraction of it is from my memory... the other part is just me being exceptionally fast at digging up the information I need.
Also, every time I notice someone being depressed around me, I try to say something along the lines of "Hey, everything's gonna be all right, just you wait.". A couple of years ago I even acted as a shrink for an online friend who was feeling totally in the dumps. He got better after talking with me for a couple of days.

Weak Points: I'm lazy - but the funny thing is, at the same time I get bored/depressed really easily if I don't have something to do; I procrastinate (A LOT - and tick off my parents by doing that); I can't draw for the life of me... or sing (I want to be able to do both! ;___; ); my tendency to ramble; I'm also quite shy (mostly in real life); I can't really give critique about anything (it's bad, I swear - I'm afraid I might offend someone if I did. ...Really, there is something as being "too polite"); I'm rather antisocial, in the sense that I'd rather be alone than get into town with my friends; and as I said before, I get really annoyed if my peace is disturbed (tending to snap "What now?" at my Mom if she opens the door of my room)... I guess my temper is a bit short at home. XD; I nearly always underestimate myself and my abilities - negative version of modesty, anyone?; I lack ambition so much it isn't even funny, my self-confidence isn't one of my strong points... and I don't really take care of myself well enough (my Mom tells me to go out more. XD).
...I haven't had any self-destructive thoughts, even with my confidence level - and no, it's got nothing to do with being scared of dying... death doesn't bother me. In fact, my emotions are a bit... not there. My sister was killed a year and a half ago, but I didn't (and still don't) feel sad or shocked at the news. Honestly, my lack of emotion scares me sometimes...
(What the heck, the list of my worst traits is longer than the list of good ones.)

Your general mood: Kind of indifferent. I can sometimes get really happy, but sometimes I just feel like not doing anything (I've seen it called "anhedonia"). :/ I guess I'm generally rather positive.
Three positive words that describe you: Intelligent, polite, helpful.
Three negative words that describe you: Cold, foulmouthed, shy.

Mature or immature: I'm more mature - but my Mom tells me I'm more childish. (...Being obsessed with anime and manga doesn't make you childish, does it? -___-)
Calm, normal, or hyper: Calm. Seriously. I have no idea how many times I've had to tell my friends that I see getting hyper and losing control of your emotions as really embarrassing. Whenever I get a good grade, I just take one look at the results, go "...Oh." and shrug and go home. And when someone praises me, I get a small proud feeling that disappears quickly and leaves me with a "...Whatever." -attitude. Emotionally, I'm an android.
Outgoing or shy/reserved: More shy than outgoing (I hate talking on the phone, talking to strangers and partying).
Optimist or pessimist: Um... my Mom calls me pessimistic, but I see myself as a realist. XD
Act on impulse, or think things through: ...That question. ...Um... I guess "think things through". For example, when shopping, if I see something I like, I won't buy it if I don't have money. And even if I had, I might not buy it - it kind of depends.
Passive or aggressive: Passive everywhere else, kind of aggressive at home. I get into fights with my parents a lot, but I would never even dare to argue with a neighbor/friend/stranger.
Leader or follower: Neither. I hate telling people what to do (has to do with that "not offending people" -thing) and I don't really like to take orders, either. So I guess I'm more of an outsider/loner.
Night or day: Night, definitely night. You could call me a night owl. XD I feel more energetic at night than during the day.
Summer or winter: ...Neither. They're both extreme, either too cold or too hot (though there I prefer winter. I like cold more than hot.). Autumn is my favorite season, as you already saw in my "Likes" section.
Magic or weapons: Not that question! ._. ...Agh, hard to decide. Um... weapons. Have to say weapons. Most of my OCs in my stories use spears, guns, swords and something similar to fight. Using magic is pretty rare (...although, it's really common in my own fantasy story because the main characters are all Sorcerers of different elements... *cleans the floor* Sorry, nosebled at a drawing my friend did of two characters.).

Favourite Food: Any seafood will do.
Favourite Animal: Would be wolves, dogs, cats, foxes, deer and several mythical critters (especially the peryton).
Favourite Colour: White, black, green, blue, silver, purple.
Favourite Subject: English, history and geography.
Favourite Place: ...Always wanted to visit Japan and New Zealand.

You are at a restaurant and want to be alone. Someone you don't know very well sits at your table and starts chatting to you. What do you do?
Get really, really uncomfortable. Listen to him/her and hope somebody/something helps me away from the situation. As I said before, I don't like talking to strangers. But at the same time I can't tell them to leave me alone because I'm too polite and don't want to offend them! DX

How do you handle conflict (whether it be with others, or situational)?
With parents I usually just get really mad and stay in my room - at one point either my parents or me apologize (I just hope they forget the whole argument even happened).
And I usually don't end up having conflict with other people, due to aforementioned personality traits. Though when people call me names nowadays (at my previous school some people did), I just walk by them and when my back is turned, start to giggle. XD I don't know why, I just end up laughing when someone bullies me.

How do other people tend to describe your personality?
askhkghgdkjf Seriously? "The walking Wiki with answers on practically ANYTHING. You could say that she's got massive loads of pure information, or should I say, data?
She is also very calm and collected. She's totally the type to sit back and enjoy the show while we crazy fellows are being... uh... crazy?"
They also tend to find my rambling extremely funny and seem to be expecting me to go off on a tangent every time I appear. ...Which they then find entertaining and hilarious to watch.

Who is your favourite Saiyuki character and why? Hard to decide. I like several, but I guess I'd have to say Hakkai. :/ I just like his background story the most... his previous incarnation was an awesome guy and I just ADORE Hakkai's personality. XD Using TV-Trope words, he's a "Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass".
Your least favourite Saiyuki character and why? Umm... I like nearly all characters... eh... but I dislike both Lirin and Goku. Somehow Lirin's attitude and constant popping up just annoys me. With Goku, I think it's his "stomach for brains" -aura that gets on my nerves a bit. Not to mention... monkeys are totally not my favorite animals. ...BUT. I absolutely HATE Yaone. She just... aaaaargh. She's so suicidal. The moment something goes awry, she's like "I'M SORRY I WILL KILL MYSELF RIGHT NOW!". And she's too obsessed with Kougaiji. ...Doesn't she have a brain to think for herself instead of following people around blindly? I know, I know, she's grateful to Kougaiji for saving her, but she takes the whole "Kougaiji-sama" business to the extremes. I think her attitude pisses Kou off sometimes, too. :/ ...Who wants a clingy, suicidal girl with OCD for a servant? -_-
Favourite pairing and why? ...I don't really like the pairings that much myself, but somehow I find Gojyo/Hakkai a nice one. ._.

Anything else? When it comes to least favorite pairings... I think every single one. ._. I just don't like shota (the whole Sanzo/Goku thing seems shota. DX) and I hate Yaone (so obviously I don't like her with any character). >.> Then again, just because I didn't like the pairings, I created two girl OCs and got the other one stuck with Kougaiji and the other one with Gojun (the Dragon King from Gaiden). XD
I guess I'm modest (my self-confidence is nearly minus-marked), my energy level is moderate/high (I can stay up for a whole day, a night and another day before I start to feel sleepy and go to bed, so about 36 hours) and I want to become a library assistant.
..When I joined a forum called "SaintSeiyaFan", I also noticed things about myself I hadn't thought of before. ...I'm a (not-so) closet sadist, I have a slightly (...slightly!?) dirty mindset/imagination and a twisted and perverted sense of humor. XD
Listener or Speaker?: ...Both. If I don't know somebody and if I don't have anything to say, I will listen. Though if I have a subject to talk about and I know the person, I can rant for quite a while.
Fun or Business?: :/ Dunno really. Maybe fun? XD I don't like to do school assignments and would much prefer to spend my day on the Internet instead. ...But when it comes to stuff I like (like English, astrology, Japanese, etc.), I can study/work very hard.

PS. Also, here's something some of you probably don't know yet. ...Gojun and Hakuryuu/Jeep aren't the same person.
Gojun is the Dragon King of the Western Seas and he didn't die at the end of Gaiden. He was the one telling the story. In one chapter's beginning he was sitting at a table and saying "I am the only one who knows this story now".
Hakuryuu aka Jeep was created by Ni Jyeni and is thus not a reincarnation of anyone.

Image time! ...Warning, scary-looking girl ahead.

...Never mind that third one.

tenpou, stamped

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