A reminder for my mutant psychology class that your written essays on the mutant genetics argument are due Friday. If you've been procrastinating, now's a really good time to work on that. I'm not giving anyone extra time on the assignment
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And I hope that your stress goes away soon, sensei. If there's anything that I can do to help...?
I hope so as well, but considering the things that have been going on as of late, I'm trying not to hold my breath over it. I'm not sure if there's much that can be done to help. ...Other than possibly helping remind your classmates to stop doing things that could potentially get themselves killed. I've been getting enough grey hairs naturally without getting even more due to the sheer amount of stress and worry all of you enjoy subjecting me to.
...Uhh, this is RAGS, I suppose. We signed up for this. Though, as I remember, it's usually more stressful, sensei. I'm thinking of the Halloween incident and the Toddler thing and the drowning. We haven't had any major catastrophes. Just a bunch of minor ones.
Maybe I should. I can make posters and stick them up everywhere. 'Think before you act, what would your teachers say?', 'Is this is a decision that would get you lynched?', "Will you regret this action for up to 20 years in the future?' Maybe I'll even get Davide to make some puns for me too.
I worry that the first one might sound like a challenge to some of our more trouble-prone students, so it's probably best to avoid using that one. Though if you think placing up posters will help, then you have my permission to do so. I'm sure Sanada-kun could show you some good locations to place them since he's fond of putting up posters himself even if they tend to not last long before someone defiles them.
Hmm, I was joking ^^; Nobody actually pays attention to posters. It wouldn't help at all. People just need to learn common sense the hard way, I guess.
It's hard to tell when someone is joking over the internet sometimes, Saeki-kun, especially when considering there are those who *would* try that plan. ...And I'm afraid I've stopped having faith in people learning common sense with my last entry. It's apparent that some people in this school would be dead already if we simply let them learn things the hard way, as you put it.
Hmm, don't worry about it, the internet is bad at conveying emotion, even with a billion emoticons circling the place. I was trying to lighten the mood but my jokes aren't too up to scratch at the moment, either. Too much water.
That's true. I don't know whether it's a mutant thing or an isolation thing, but we notoriously lack common sense here -_-
It may potentially be a bit of both.
And yes, I'm starting to believe that it may be a combination of both as well. *sighs*
Since we can't really do much about either, I suppose that means we're eternally cursed to put up with the continued lack of common sense. It makes me wonder if I should bring up installing more mutant-proofing precautions at the next budget meeting...
Maybe more interaction with the outside world is required? Hopefully, common sense might go through osmosis like water does, and diffuse to where there is a lacking.
[ooc: obviously he does not take it]
[OOC: And here I figured someone like Inui would be all over a thinking man's subject like that~]
[ooc: he's of the opinion that it is 'soft science']
[OOC: Saitou shoots a rubber band at Inui for thinking his beloved social sciences are of less importance. D:<]
[ooc: :'P]
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