August 3rd in Pictures!

Aug 04, 2009 08:37

And now for an unemployed photo day! Funny how completely life changes when you get laid off. It's mostly Devon's fault that I did a second one though :D

The alarm goes off and Cody gets up.

I decide I might as well get up too

After all, the cat wants fed

so does the other one. And good lord it's chilly out in the morning

I decide to wake up with some exercise. Mario DDR!

Zach's awake but not awake enough to join in

about an hour/hour and a half later I finish up. I'm quite awake and pretty sweaty. Cody leaves for school about now, it's 8:30

I take a quick shower, check my email, and Zach and I take turns playing WarioWare Smooth Moves

Zach reads his Flight comics during my turns :)

It's time for Zach to go, so he and the cat have a last show down

It's 10 o'clock, bye Zach!

the place is a mess and the carpet has needed cleaning for days, you can see the mulch chunks

so I clean the front room. yay a table!

Bedroom needs it too...

Clean room!

How I hate the kitchen sink... it never stays clean!

Ah that's better

It's kitty nap time, you can see Haydee through the window in her usual daytime nap spot. (Anyone want to give her a home? she's so sweet and I want to find her a home)

lunch time! I'm so addicted to those strawberry margarita coolers

I pop in Corpse Bride and enjoy my lunch

After lunch I switch gears and put in Howl's Moving Castle so I can get to work on my drawing for Devon

This is where I call it quits for the day, by now I'm pretty fed up with my inability to get their faces right.

I spend the next while looking at terrifying things online

time check. wow it's still early...

Cody's home!

He grabs a snack, my Steak n'Shake leftovers from the night before (mmm turkey melt)

so I grab a snack too

We pop in Prince Caspian since we bought it cheap yesterday and Cody hasn't seen it yet

He eventually gets distracted and starts tormenting the cat

dinner time! organic chicken nuggets and wine. so healthy num num. oh and honey

I jam my little toe really really badly on the coat rack while getting up to get seconds and trying not to step on the cat. (looks worse today, still hurts)

Movie's over so Cody plays some Smooth Moves

we realize at this point that we've become couch potatoes

so we decide to play a rousing game of Non-Violent Politically Correct War, it's about 6:30 now

After over an hour of twists, surprising plot turns and lots of swearing, Cody wins

I am left dejected on the field of battle

So I draw some while he plays GameBoy and we half pay attention to Totoro on the tv

Totoro's over!

Cody plays some Armed and Dangerous...

while I play some Sims3 until about 11 and then we both go to bed. End!

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