Oct 28, 2008 15:11

Humans vs. Zombies this semester was amazing. From the start of the game on Wednesday to the final battle on Sunday, this week was a blast.

The fall games are always different because it's the freshmen's first game so they all die really quickly, and you get a massive inexperienced zombie horde by the end of Day 2. The springtime game gets a more hardcore player base and the horde doesn't develop until Day 3, and it's all people who really put up a fight.

This game got off to a really great start. There was a mission where we had to hold off a big patio dining hall area from the zombies for 20 minutes, which means due to the 15 minute stun timers they would be able to charge us twice. We sent a small 8-person recon group to the area and they found out the mission and DIDN'T CALL US. They thought they could handle it, and as a result 8 of our best teammates died, and subsequently formed the Zombie squad BDS, Big Dick Squad.

The other 15 of us got there a minute too late, and after setting up for 15 minutes we assumed our positions on the wall and the zombies charged. It was like Helm's Deep it was so awesome. We shot every single zombie and not one human died. Totally badass.

Surviving the weekend was tough but it was fun. Plenty of 4am bedtimes, plenty of opening doors and jumping backwards as a zombie (or 2) would dive straight into the room, plenty of headshots. Plenty of hours spent crawling through the woods in the middle of monsoon rains, getting soaked to the bone.

The last battle on the Old Equestrian Field (which is shaped just like Blood Gulch) was amazing. I led the humans across the field, we charged the zombies, and everyone died except 5 or 6 people, who subsequently ran away and got in their car and drove to their off-campus apartments. Monday was the last day of the game, and one kid sucked enough to hide in a computer lab all day. At least we all had the good sense to die when it was time to die, instead of just hiding so you can "win". When I could have actually won and outlasted the zombies, I just had a giant last stand instead.

Here are a few pics of the big last stand at Blood Gulch:

This is Blood Gulch:

This is me leading the charge at the last battle:

All the humans:

All the zombies:

Everyone died! It was so awesome. Best game ever!
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