Title: Memories lost
ghaidinCharacter: Capricorn Shura
List: B
Theme: #1 Melancholy
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Saint Seiya © M. Kurumada, Shueisha & Toei Animation.
It always happened when he was least expecting it. The first time, it was a ray of sun falling on his eyes while he meditated at the temple’s door. He sat on the same pillar for days in a row, waiting for it to come back. It never did.
Then, when he had given up, it happened again one afternoon when he was making his way back from the training arena and Aiolia pointed out the amazing circular rainbow in the sky. This last once, it had been the wool of a blanket pulled close to his head. At the most unexpected of times, it would come back and leave him breathless, lost like the child he had stopped being so long ago.
Gray wasn’t his color. He could deal with the painful memories or the sadness of forever leaving behind the happy times, and over the years he had learnt to let go of the unremembered darkness that was most of his life before Sanctuary.
Sitting down by the road, rolling the red poppy in his hands, he tried to hold on to the half-remembered voice of the woman who had taught him the poppy bud song. To no avail, for the words escaped him once again and Shura, washing away the tears, wished that whoever had erased his memory would have done a better job.