Dec 04, 2008 00:29
I was at the supermarket this evening and witnessed a man throwing a fit over the way the prices were displayed on some items. He insisted that the display was misleading and the items he wanted should have been cheaper. The woman tried to show him his mistake, but he wasn't having any of it.
"The customer is always right."
This happened to me all the time when I worked at Best Buy. This was before there were individual price tags on every item in the store, so customers would grab things and throw a few of them in a bin marked considerably cheaper (or find them there when other customers just dropped shit wherever) then bitch at the register that we'd tricked them into thinking it was cheaper. I would sometimes take the effort of showing them where the display said exactly what was on sale and how that item wasn't listed. But most of the time I told them "sorry" and they left. One guy actually put a copy of Microsoft Office 95 (a $500 piece of software) into the 99 cent bin and thought that would work. "Oh, sorry for our mistake, sir. We'll take the $499.01 loss on that and give it to you at the display price to avoid any hard feelings."
Here's my problem with this. Why the fuck are you arguing? This isn't Podunk Kansas where this is the only market in town and you're being forced to pay outrageous prices. Exercise your freedom and rights as a citizen of the western world.
If you feel they're cheating you, or playing the bait-and-switch routine, follow these steps:
1. Stop shopping at the store. Go someplace that doesn't "cheat" you quite so much.
2. Begin a writing campaign to the local papers indicating your displeasure with the store's practices. Also consider writing the store's head office with your concerns.
And if neither of those work... put a business model together, take out a loan, and build your own store with a promise not to engage in such dirty practices.
Then I will come into that store, fuck up all your displays, cry about how something should be 19 cents cheaper than it is, and follow the above steps to ruin your business.
Thank you... and good night.