May 21, 2013 23:37
The car's transmission blew and we don't have the money to pay for it. I have to mooch off of other people for rides to work, which is just dandy, especially since I live half an hour away from my job and people I know live far away from me. To top that I off I don't know how I'm going to pay for anything and if it continues this way we won't even be living here anymore. This morning I thought our lives were over because I cannot get anything done without a car and my hours are too few and far between to live on, but I've kinda accepted that no one will help us this time and I might as well lie down tonight and close my eyes like I do every night.
I watched 3 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer because I was at a loss. My mother said, "I can't believe you're watching this show," and smiled and shook her head before heading upstairs to bed to try and reconcile herself with her lot in life, presumably. My brother, who sleeps on the couch, told me to get my Buffer ass upstairs so he can get to bed himself (he says that's what they call fans of Buffy, but I'm almost positive he's lying). As I was ascending the stairs I called him out on being a Brony and drowned out his response with a numb smile myself, so that's the end of that. We've accepted that we're fucked. I guess life goes on somehow.
No offense to BtVS fans. I like it, it's a good show, though the nostalgia factor is at approximately 1,000. I don't know if it's because I was too small to worry about things like I do now or things were just cheaper then and my parents didn't worry about things then like they do now. Everyone's so worried these days. Ugh. Or maybe it's just the song of the universe and I only just tuned in to the radio that's playing it.