I finally finished building my site!!! ^_________________________^//
Well, there's still plenty of stuff to do, the oekaki board doesn't work yet, I'm thinking of changing the BBS system, and the page with the links isn't up yet....
But the biggest part of the site, almost all of it is UP!!! FINALLY completly up!!! ^_______________^ YAAAAYY!!!
*does crazy dance of happy-for-the-site-opening thing*
^___^ <--- very hyper because to finish the site, I didn't sleep during the night and so I'm a bit wierd(er than usually)).
I did nap this morning though. Well, that's not what matters, *lol*, what matters is :
The site is ready! yay!! *lol*
Here it goes :
Please tell me what you think of it!! ^____^//
I've coded so much that when I try to write here, I automatically start putting html tag all over to write. @_@;; *argh*