Fringe 2x03

Oct 02, 2009 23:04

Oh, Olivia. You needed a hug and a holiday; you got a crystalline ear. We win some, we lose some civilians to exploding people bombs.

I'll get to what worked and what didn't; but first I need a rant: I've read a couple of reviews saying 'hooray for Peter taking a central, leading role!' and I'm thinking... no. I prefer my girl Dunham front and centre, thank you very much. I'm hoping her recent taking second chair in investigations is because she's not quite been herself, what with the trauma of inter-world-travel-slash-car-accident. The end of this episode gave me great hope that she's back to kicking ass and taking names. Please!

What I loved:

- I like this Sam character, and I'm having hilarious mental images of him driving Nina Sharp insane. Look at Olivia's face! If I was Sam I'd be moving her foot...

- The final scene in the bowling alley was certainly my favourite of the episode; when she charged at Sam all gun-ready and we realised what he'd done. I may or may not have totally shouted 'HA!' at my laptop. Lulz. It was so cathartic when Liv finally snapped at his yoda mind games:

...but of course Sam totally knew what he was doing the whole time. I hope this isn't the last we see of him!

- Olivia NEEDS a holiday. Poor girl looked a total wreck. She needs a hug in this one:

And this one:

Especially this one:

Olivia's rather unconvincing "DOCTOR SAYS MAH HEADACHES ARE TOTES NORMAL, KTHXBAI" face. Faked innocence never works, bb. I am sad that she didn't confide in Peter, but not surprised.

- Astrid! Her scenes with Walter were divine, and it's so rare to get Astrid backstory. Even though they were tiny fragments of Astrid backstory, but I'll take what I can get.

- The Observer was awesome. Although that creepy Colonel spouting mytharc plotlines about a pending war was vaguely familiar, and I'm not too sure why. Maybe just X Files overtones again. Which I'm certainly not complaining about, I just hope they don't get too bogged down in mythology. They haven't mentioned The Pattern or ZFT in a while, eh?

A little bit 'meh':

- Well, I've already ranted about Olivia's reduced role, but I'm hoping that was just this episode. She was pretty awesome last week, with the superhearing and all. I know that Peter needs something else to do besides chaperone Walter; but Olivia's the leader of this outfit, dammit. The way he now deals with Broyles kind of bugs me. I miss Olivia and Broyles arguing over something in his office, and then Nina Sharp would walk in and be all mysterious and totally look like she was coming on to one or both of them. I'm really beginning to miss Charlie, too. It just feels weird to have Peter taking control of FBI investigations. Who is he?? Okay I'll shut up about this now.

- No Charlie, no Nina Sharp. And where was newbie? They barely introduced her in the first episode, gave her screen time but no lines in the second, and didn't have her at all in this one. I'm so confused!

- Basically, I think having such a kickass season finale, then barely addressing it for the next few episodes has me severely frustrated. BUT. Next week's episode looks AMAZING with plenty of Olivia AND Mr Leonard Nimoy!! Bring. it. on.

picspam, anna torv, fringe

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