Girlcrush Wednesday (yeah, I just invented that)

Sep 23, 2009 22:30

Mélanie Laurent had me absolutely mesmerised in Inglourious Basterds, which I finally saw the other night. Her performance as the sole survivor of a french-jewish family murdered during WWII was exceptional. Her character, Shosanna Dreyfus truly was the heart and soul of the film. On a totally shallow level she's bloomin' gorgeous, but she brought such emotional depth that you couldn't keep your eyes off her regardless of her intense beauty (intense I tell you!). For all the trauma she experienced, her face was not a mask of grief, but something beyond. You had the feeling she had died inside, along with her family. Mélanie was so convincing in her serious manner, it was almost a shock to see that she's something of a goof on the red carpet. She also appears to be quite the chameleon - she almost never looks the same way twice, unless you count looking gorgeous a style. I had way too much fun putting this picspam together; I hope you enjoy it!

If you haven't seen Inglourious Basterds yet (and can stomach Tarantino gore) you really must! Shosanna's red dress commands you.

Then of course there was the adorable page-boy cap. Everything about this photo is french.

Not that she doesn't look hawt all the time, but there's something about minimal makeup that just agrees with her completely.

I see you, Mike Myers! His cameo in Basterds was so bloody funny.

Dancing it up with QT. That white suit is made of hot. As is Diane Kruger.

Legs! Arms! Oh my.

Red carpet spaz. Love it.

The many styles of Mélanie Laurent

Sigh. She's so damn pretty. Go see Inglourious Basterds.


girlcrush wednesday, inglourious basterds, picspam, Mélanie Laurent

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