
Jan 29, 2005 12:15

The subject line is my new favorite phrase. It comes up frequently in certain discussions and just reassuring the truth about it, ascends me from the depths of depression I have been teetering in and out of lately. But things in general are well, ok I guess. I read my last journal entry and I laughed, so much changes in so short of time.

The Betrayers of Kamigawa prerelease went well, the T-Shirts are gorgeus (sp) and we met alot of cool people. We placed 13 out of like 30 I believe, I'm not sure how many but thats what I'm guessing. We pulled decent stuff and we had decent decks, I pulled out 2 wins/ 1 draw/5 games total, Andrew had 1/5 and Keven had 1/5? I think or 2/5 not sure. One change in deck construction might have landed us a totally better place, but all we can do is just remember the vital error we made and stray away from splicing good blue into great green, thus weakening our blue/black players deck and watering down the great green deck. Iaaaugh! But I did great and was proud of my skills, I only made one or two large mistakes the whole time but one would not have changed much and the other well... Perhaps...

I got some good cards in trade and I'm actually within grasp of a complete foil Kamigawa set. Now it may not seem like a big deal but it really is quite an accomplishment. I'm still missing a hell of a lot of cards but I've got a hell of a lot of em too.

D&D has been set back, we play again today. Thats cool...

Work has sucked, i've put in maybe 20 hours tops this week, its sad but oh well... The shows are comming up, it gives me the ability to exchange my weekends for work and perhaps a chance at sales.

I went out to dinner last night with Nicole, we went to see Andrew, it was fun, I got to know her a bit. Her and Andrew went shopping for engagement rings, so cool :) I'm happy for em, just, I don't want them to rush into anything.
Theres some family issues that just came up, and I don't want to throw them into this journal. If I seem downed later in the week, just know, theres reason. But it might not, so who knows.

So I'm at work right now, kinda bored, absolutely nothing to do, I think I am going to post the questions on Tishas journal and maybe a song thats on the radio. Maybe later, I'll write up a story for those with any interest in the creative fascets of my mind.

I saw this in Tisha's and seeing how I have nothing to do, why not?

About Roger Cole
Spell your first name backwards:: Regor
Date of birth:: June 10th, 1985
Male or female:: 100% Male
Nicknames:: Roger, Rog, Stack (I've also been called Hippocrit and Psycho :P)
Middle Name:: Dale
Height:: 5'11
Hair color:: Brown
Eye color:: Green yesterday, Hazel today, Blue monday
Age:: 19
Pets:: 2 Puppies (Bowser & Missy) and 5 Kitties (Belle, Cleo, Princess, Tigger & Mitus)
Righty or lefty:: Depends, Lefty mainly
Wearing:: a smile
Hearing:: The melodic hum of a coke machine
Feeling:: restless
Eating/drinking:: nothing

..::Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff::..
How many people have you said 'I love you' to: 3
How many people have you been in REAL love with:: 1
How many people of the opposite sex have you kissed:: Most of them were on a Dare, so no clue
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: They have to be smart, funny, beautiful, creative, and just like to hang out
What's the FIRST thing you notice about the opposite sex:: Smile
Do you remember your first love:: yes
Do you believe in soul mates:: I believe in destiny, so if two destinies connect, yes.
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours:: I believe I have.

..::Family Stuff::.
How many siblings do you have:: 3 Brothers
What are your siblings names:: Shane, Rocky, & Jeramiah
Is your family close:: Not one bit.
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family:: Yes

Color:: Green
Food:: Pizza
Band/singer/artist:: Bob Seiger (sp), Red Hot Chili Peppers, Toby Kieth, Collective Soul & A ton more
Animal:: Tiger/Feline
Drink:: Southern Comfort
Book:: I like the works of Shakespeare (sp), Midsummers Night Dream mostly. But I love Salvatore and I use to be big in Brian Jacques but I passed that on to my cousin. Now I really just read the magic stories online.
Number:: 5
Teacher:: Mr. Wallen, the Alcoholic Womanizing Literature teacher who made such a big impact in my life.
Thing to do on the weekend:: I love to do nothing, but with friends.

..::Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits::..
What color are your sheets:: Like, Tan/Golden kinda patterned. It sounds gay but they are comfy :P
What color are your bedroom walls:: Mint Green I think?
Do you have posters on your wall:: I have a picture of a Tiger and some other portraits.
Do you have a TV in your bedroom:: yes
How many pillows are on your bed:: 3
How many blankets:: 4
What do you normally sleep in:: Boxers (Sexy image :P )
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas:: I have one pair that are Teal plaid, they are comfy when I wear em
What size bed do you have:: Queen or Twin
How many people can sleep comfortably in your bed:: Two, but I've never really slept with someone else, perhaps you could ask one of my friends.
Do you snore:: yes
Do you drool:: I think so.
Do you have an alarm clock in your room:: No. I have the infernal creation of satan himself which goes off during random times in the middle of the night and can only be shut off through the efforts of tossing it into the holy well of St. Calahain where it goes through vigorous excersizes of becomming atoned. Err Yes, Yes I have one.
What's under your bed:: Weights that I rarely use and maybe a skateboard from when I was 10? oh and a horde of dust bunnies.

.::This or that::..
Doughnuts/bagels:: bagels
Day/night:: Day for driving, Night for partying.
Coffee/tea:: tea
Hamburgers/hot dogs:: Burgers hands down
Rap/rock:: Rock hands down
Punk/emo:: Emo I guess
Hot/cold:: Hot showers, Cold beers
Winter/summer: Summer
Spring/fall:: Spring
Operas/plays:: Plays
CDs/tapes:: CDs
Dvds/vhs:: DVDs
Old/new:: New
Mexican food/Chinese food:: Mexican mmm Nachos
Scary movies/comedies:: Comedies
Sandals/tennis shoes:: Tennis Shoes
Popcorn/pretzels:: Pretzels

..::What Is Your Opinion Of The Following::..
Eminem:: A great rapper and definately one of the prominent Icons of this generation
Religion: Religion is irony. Although most teach we are all equal and all the children of a higher being, it is really one of the greatest causes of segragation (sp)
Emo music:: I enjoy it.
Homosexuals:: I got nothing against them, infact, I think lesbians are damn awesome. I just don't like em hitting on me... Brian
Obesity:: I believe it to be a disorder and alot of markets parasite off of it.

..::Have You Ever::..
Mooned anyone:: no
Swore at a teacher:: Yeah but not in a hateful manner
Told a little white lie:: White Lies, Black Lies, lets not racialise.
Told a secret you swore not to tell:: No.
Been in a mosh pit:: No
Been to a concert: Yes.
Dated one of your best friends: No.
Loved someone so much it makes you cry:: It wouldn't be love otherwise right?
Broken the law:: It's why they were made
Gave someone a piggy back ride:: Yes
Snuck out of the house at night:: nope
Been arrested:: Yes kinda
Written a love letter:: Yes
Written a love poem:: Yes
Slow danced with someone you love:: Yes...
Asked a friend for relationship advice:: Yes, A.P. for life :D
Failed/got held back:: I was a horrible student till 11th grade. But Yeah, I've failed alot in life
Taken ballet/karate lessons:: Yes, guess which one :D

Do you wish MTV would play more music videos:: Yes, but bring back The HEAD!
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen:: The Grudge, since I don't watch many scary movies
What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently:: Anchor Man: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Do you drive:: Manically
What is your dream car:: It could fly and take me back to the 70's...
Would you ever sky dive:: Sure
Are you afraid of roller coasters:: I use to have a paralyzing fear of heights but am rather proud to have gotten over it... for the most part :P
Do you like chocolate:: Yes but I like White Chocolate better
Who/what is on your 2005 calendar:: Cats :D
What is your weakness:: Women, Pizza, Old people, animals and alot more
Do you consider yourself a trendy person:: Hell yeah, I just bought a pair of rainbow suspenders... j/k
how do you release stress:: I find myself at the bottom of every bottle
Who is the last person to e-mail you:: Joe from Masquerades
What color is your hair naturally:: Brown
Worst feeling in the world?:: A broken heart
Best feeling in the world:: Being in love with her and she with you.
Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?:: I use to be bad at that, but now, no.
What do you think people think of you:: I don't know, I hope some people admire my magic prowess, but mostly I guess I come off as an asshole, so oh well :D

.::Have you ever::..
Danced in the rain: And sang!
Kissed someone:: Yes
Drank alcohol:: No... Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face... Yes
Gone too far on a dare:: Not that I know of
Spun until you were immensely dizzy:: I made Dizzy Spin the sport it is today
Taken a survey quite like this before:: Yes
Wanted to kill someone:: Yes

.:Would you ever:.
Spank a random person:: Am I drunk and is she hot?
Kill yourself::
Run around naked:: No
Cheat on your bf/gf:: No
Get something pierced without you parents knowing:: I wouldn't pierce anything
Eaten something that you didn't know what it was: Yes
Take a long test like this again:: Yes
Go out with someone 9 years older than you:: For coffee yes, in a relationship, no.
Skinny Dip:: No

.:Do you believe in:.
Love at first sight:: Yes
God:: I believe in higher powers, so yes I guess
Hate:: Yes
Love:: Yes, you may also go to one of my quotes about love being the incarnation of hate or something like that :P
So that's that, wow, it was longer than I thought.

She calls me from the cold
Just when I was low, feeling short of stable
And all that she intends
And all she keeps inside isn't on the label
She says she's ashamed
Can she take me for awhile
Can I be a friend, we'll forget the past
Or maybe I'm not able
And I break at the bend

We're here and now, will ever be again
'Cause I have found
All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade
Away again

She dreams a champagne dream
Strawberry suprise, pink linen on white paper
Lavender and cream
Fields of butterflies, reality escapes her
She says that love is for fools that fall behind,
And I'm somewhere between
Never really know
A killer from a savior
'Til I break at the bend

We're here and now, will ever be again
'Cause I have found
All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade
Away again

It's to far away for me to hold
To far away....
It's to far away for me to hold
To far away....

It's to far away for me to hold
To far away....
It's to far away for me to hold
To far away....
It's to far away for me to hold
To far away....

It's to far away for me to hold
To far away....

Guess I'll let it go....


Till next time

Roger "Stack" Cole Out
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