Jan 12, 2005 17:49
Hey, what's up? Not much here, well, alot, but I don't really have time to dig into the matters. I just got done emailing Todd Doughty, the judge at the extended tournement I entered, with some queries about becomming a judge and looking for any helpful advice. The tournement was fun, we had the wrong format readied, so I essentially walked into a gunfight wielding a nerf bazooka 2000! I won 2 and lost 2 before I dropped. Tisha showed up, and to say the least, it really made everything that much better. I ran into alot of the peoplez I had met at Masquerade the last time I was there and we all hung out afterwards at Ruby Tuesdays where Andrew was working. It was loads of fun... *I got dibs on Top Bunk* *Okay* Ha ha ha I'm sure someone out there is rolling their eyes right now. :P
So that was great, I had tons of fun and I'm sure everyone else did. I got to know Kevin a bit more, some certain issue was on my mind and we related, and I did feel a bit better. To be honest, I was so depressed after the tournement and the resteraunt, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I went out drinking and perhaps errored in some judgements but without regret life would be easy.
So Sundays D&D session was fun, I was tired, but I had fun. And I'm glad my players enjoy it as well. I want to right up a quick intro, and I will Saturday when I work, so ya'll who enjoy my stories, and I'm sure theres a whole, lets over estimate and say, one of ya out there :P Keep yer eyes peeled :D
Sunday I, as far as I know, am going down to Masquerade for the vintage tournement. That will be neato, I gotz a cool blue deck made, its far from powerful but it is inventive and fun and can do some type of damage by turn four.
And thats all, work sucks. I can't stare at these computer screens for more than five minutes before my mind wanders to various essentials of my life. I think of her, and what happened. I think of why I couldn't do better at the tournement. I think of how I can avoid him and how much easier it would be if i could afford that. Just, stuff that I should worry about outside of work, but I can't help it. I sat here today and just struggled through while envisioning myself a mighty paladin, wading through knee high swamp, and stalking an unmentionable foe who took the life of my beloved. I had almost slay the vile beast when my phone rang. Perhaps this creaton will fall to the hands of Heironeus's chosen some other night, but until then...
Roger "Stack" Cole
P.S. I read an interesting quote at a customers house the other night, it went something like, "There is no end to the adventures we can have, as long as we continue to look with our eyes open" ~ Nehru