He didn't think he could stand much more.
So long, he'd had to be the one in control, looking out for the younger man. Something that was harder with each passing day back in Boston.
Milliways had come as an unexpected sanctuary, one where he'd not had to worry for the most part. Even with being Bound, he could relax his guard a bit.
And then Connor had to show up. God, so close and still so far - and married, probably to that obsessed student (what was her name? Chrystal? Alexis? something like that). Married, with a son.
It hurt.
It hurt, and there was nothing he could do that the younger one wouldn't fuck up, break them again and possibly even worse than they already had.
He sighed, looking at the reflection in the bathroom mirror.
"You're going to be the death of us yet, Murphy Edan MacManus."