So, we've been waiting for an answer to a certain question since March when Track 65 was released (damn, Murakami-sensei knows how to draw things out!) And in Track 68....the question is FINALLY answered!
So after a super cute track title page featuring Eiri and Shuuichi, we pick up with Tatusha and Shuuichi zooming off on the motorcycle on their way to the hospital.
Meanwhile at the hospital, little Riku is crying. Eiri feels his tears and tells him not to get the wrong idea, it's not like he wanted to risk his life saving Riku from the truck, because he hates him from the bottom of his heart (awww, Eiri's so sweet :P) In the moment it happened, he'd hoped saving Riku would ease his mind (release him from his guilt of killing Kitazawa, probably). Riku asks if that happened, and Eiri says no (so don't count on him to stop angsting :P).
Shuuichi is still being hounded by reporters asking him about Eiri's condition, and he's fighting back hard (while wearing a construction worker's hat ^o^). He takes a few down, and then there's a large explosion (which means an American must be nearby ;P) K comes barreling through with guns a-blazin'. Shuuichi asks if he's now become his ally in all this, and K says to leave the dirty work up to him. Two voices from the Panda-Robo yell out that K has betrayed them. Shuuichi recognizes one of them as Rage, and the other one is....(hint: "Uragitta no da!") Tatsuha knows immediately that the other voice is Ryuuichi and starts beating Shuuichi with his motorcycle, telling him to die. Shuuichi wonders why he's doing it, since he'd been helping him until now. Tatsuha says that he's not going to let him see Ryuuichi, even if he has to kill him (hmmm, perhaps he knows about The Kiss?) Shuuichi has an inkling about why Tatsuha helped him, and just as he's about to ask, Ryuuichi starts playing with the Panda-Robo controls, firing off a bunch of missles. K jumps in to rescue Shuuichi from the onslaught, but finds himself facing Bill and Ark, who tell him not to interfere with Rage (holy crap, it's been a long time since we've seen them!)
Shuuichi can't believe that all this is happening right when they were so close to the hospital. A small hand grabs his jacket saying "mama" and he turns around. Meanwhile, Tatsuha is yelling to Ryuuichi about how Shuuichi's an idiot, gay, a masochist, and his brother's fuck hole, so what's so great about him? A person smoking a cigarette comments on the truth of all that, and Shuuichi looks to see Eiri standing outside (looking totally fine in both senses of the word ^_-) Eiri says, "Hey, honey. Isn't this a touching meeting." (Wow, he called Shuuichi "honey" without having to read it off a cue card?) Shuuichi, like any other fangirl/boy looking upon Eiri, gets a massive nosebleed and asks him why he's there. Eiri says that Touma, who had "grown horns", came to meet him at the hospital, so he got out of there, though he believes it's only a matter of time before he'll find him. Shuuichi asks him about his injuries, and Eiri says he can see how he is by looking at him. Shuuichi is relieved, saying he was so worried he thought Eiri might be dead since no one would tell him how he was doing. Eiri mentions that Touma drugged Shuuichi, so it was no wonder he didn't remember exactly what happened. Shuuichi says he's scared that Eiri might be a ghost who will fade away when he touches him, and Eiri asks him if he wants to see for sure. Shuuichi runs forward to hug him and Eiri walks forward....right into a vending machine (LOL, the freaking money shot of this track ^_^) Eiri comments on how hard Shuuichi feels, while Shuuichi's like, "I'm over here...." Eiri walks over to Riku, asking if that's where he is (Riku tells him "over there"). Shuuichi gulps in be continued.
OK, so I have to say what we've all been speculating for four months.....OMGWTFBLINDNESS11!!11~!ONE!1 So he's obviously at least temporarily blind, which answers the original question, but we don't know whether the damage is permanent yet. And it looks possible that he's only partially blind, since he walked toward the vending machine and Riku, so perhaps he can see blurry shapes but no details. But it's still nice to get an answer finally, even if it's incomplete!
LOL, the blindness thing almost overshadows the fact that this is the first time Eiri and Shuuichi have met since The Kiss back in Track 61 (which was released in October!) Well, I guess they kind of met at the crash scene, but they didn't really get to talk to each other. Eiri doesn't seem to be mad at him (of course, with all his angsting earlier it seems that he mostly blamed himself for it). And we still don't know what Ryuuichi's Evil Plan is. Oh, well, one mystery at a time ^_^
So here's the pics:
Track 68 Japanese:
Page 01Page 02Page 03Page 04Page 05Page 06Page 07Page 08Page 09Page 10Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 14Page 15Page 16Page 17Page 18 Zip file: And, oh yeah, Track 66 came out in English, too:
Page 01Page 02Page 03Page 04Page 05Page 06Page 07Page 08Page 09Page 10Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 14Page 15Page 16Page 17 Zip file: Links:
Japanese webcomic siteEnglish webcomic siteTutorial for downloading Japanese versionScans of past tracks, English and Japanese One last note: I'm going to be in Hawaii on a honeymoon/anniversary trip from August 23-29, so next month's scans/summary will probably be a couple of days late. I'll try to do them as quickly as possible, but it'll probably be the 30th/31st before I get them done.