Nov 07, 2010 21:56
I know there really is little point in posting this other then my wanting to preserve the idea but I'm going to do it anyway.
I was having a bout of insomnia one night and I thought "Wouldn't it be cool if they did a star trek series about exploring other galaxies." and the idea of the series called "Star Trek Unity" came to mind.
The back story for it is this. About 50 years after the events of star trek nemesis this Intergalactic race known as the Rin literally attack the milky galaxy all at once. Their technology is so far beyond anything we had seen before that they are beyond taking over simple planets and instead they take over entire galaxies. Every race is under assault at the same time. The Federation, the Romulans, the Klingons, the Cardassians, the Dominion the Borg etc are all being literally wiped out by this unreachable race and none of them can even mount a small resistance. The race has a motto they spout as is typical for star trek. Something like "surrender or die" or something else hopefully less cheesy.
All the governments are on the verge of collapse and they all realize (except the Borg of course) that they have no choice but to surrender if they have any chance of survival. The Borg, as usual, refuse to do anything but assimilate so they wont even discuss this and try to take down the Rin alone and are quickly wiped out completely. Naturally everyone is shocked that such a powerful race could be taken down so easily. The rest fall to their knees almost immediately because they know a similar fate awaits them otherwise. I imagine the Klingons would have a tough time with this but even they would realize there is no honor in extinction and being forgotten.
All seems lost until a plan is hatched by the remains of the federation council, the founders of the Dominion and species 8472. Any space battle would be one sided so they decide that they need to use a more devious approach. After the surrender of the milky way a few of the Changelings manage to get on board a Rin ship (maybe it crashed or had some kind of accident or something) and they snatch technology from it. At the same time all the races that surrendered are told to bide their time until the dominion and species 8472
(being the most advanced races left) learn the technology of the Rin and are able to make ships from it.
Another 20-50 years pass while this is happening. The milky way is pretty much united but as slaves of the Rin who are pretty lax as watchmen. They don't expect to be beaten, the idea of resistance at this point is ridiculous to them so they don't bother keeping their "boot" down. The think the galaxy is theirs and they can move on to others as long as they check in from time to time and leave a few overseers in place. Eventually the remains of the Dominion, the Federation, and 8472 finally learn how the technology works and start, in secret, building ships using Rin technology. They wait till they have what they think is enough and launch an attack on the Rin. A combination of the Rin being caught off guard and their shock at facing their own weapons causes a devastating, but brief, war. The Rin are driven out of the Galaxy, but they are, by no means, destroyed.
Two things happen next. "Everyone" in the milky way realizes they have become part of a much larger community now and their differences (though hard to overcome) will only lead to them being enslaved again so they form the new Federation called the Galactic Federated Union GFU. The attack and enslavement by the Rin has not only eliminated the threat of the Borg but it has also united the galaxy in a way that wouldn't have been possible before.
Secondly the GFU now has access to,among other new technologies, a device called the Tesser Drive (named for the concept of the Tesserat from A Wrinkle in Time). This allows a level of universe exploration that had only been dreamed of before. The old barriers aren't there anymore. People can explore the farthest reaches of the universe quickly and return home.
The series would take place about 20 years after the Rin were driven out of the Galaxy. The story would revolve around the Enterprise (probably H or higher) exploring other galaxies, finding new allies to help against the constant threat of the Rin, and just expanding the horizons of humanity (and the other races of course).
I think this is so much better an idea then that crap movie they made and it would be so interesting to see more of the star trek universe. Like what's in galaxy M33 (TNG episode Where No One Has Gone Before)? What was going to make the Andromeda galaxy uninhabitable (TOS episode By Any Other Name). There are so many other things that can be done here.
I know this idea needs work and alas will unlikely ever be more then this LJ entry, but I wanted to share this idea with you all now that Star Trek has been all but ruined.
Star Trek could have done so much more. Maybe not with this idea but certainly better then what has been done with it. I have more ideas with this plot line if anyone wants to discuss them with me. It's just a pipe dream I know but nothing wrong with pipe dreams.