Continuation of my last post

Mar 22, 2012 15:36

Women's Rights debates are the reason I've stopped watching the Republican debates. They make me cringe every time I hear them start up about contraception, abortion, and planned parenthood. While I could go on for hours typing about it I actually ran across an article that pretty much sums everything up.

I really encourage you to read it, whether you're for or against some of these issues. It will change our perspective of it things because the news portrays the view of the politicians (whom I need to mention they are MEN and have no idea about WOMEN) and not from the other side of things. It's pretty well cited too so if you're unsure of something you can click on another link and delve a bit deeper.

I'm not asking anyone to change their opinion on the matter but to realize that these things being discussed are human rights. I'm not pro-abortion, I'm pro-choice. I think contraception should be offered to every women and it's there choice whether they want to use it or not. I for one started using it for medical reasons and I know many people that do. I wish this angle was portrayed more in the media than the side of the MEN and their politics.
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