I'm a lean, mean drawing machine these days. (Except that I am neither mean nor lean.) We're still
talking about Prince Justicion's design, and
selfunderstared was going to do a sketch of him too, so rather than try to draw him again too soon, I went to focus on the Inner Anchors.
This is a quartet of stills from the opening credits. Tiled, it makes a very nice desktop background ^_^
I added the fire for Sailor Steve, and then had the thought to give Sailor Ed a rainbow (yes, that's the Homometer he's using), then decided the other two looked a bit blah in comparison, so I added the speed lines to Sailor Sam.
But I can't think of anything for Sailor Rob. Which is a double shame as he's also the one that we don't have cool-looking attack ideas for. So I just drew him threatening to punch something out. I tried to add lightning, in a couple of different ways, but couldn't get it not to look like cheesy 'shopping.
Any ideas? Any criticism in general? I have Things Planned for these, but I'd like them to be in the best shape possible first.