Dec 06, 2003 07:15
Ah, the panic attack finally calmed down. Thank you distractions from mind-numbing panic! I am sleepy and ready for beddie by.
But first, I did some searching this morning to find out new stuff about the movie "Cursed" and it's possible that Skeety will be cut from it. :( Hope not. The movie has been completely retooled because Miramax hated the original ending, among other things. I found a summary that posted for the original ending, the one that has been totally scrapped. IT'S SO FUNNY!!! XD XD XD Okay, get ready for it...
In the original ending, it was going to turn out that the killer werewolf (it's a werewolf movie) would be Scott Baio. Um, no, not Scott Baio playing a character, or even Scott Baio playing 'The Werewolf.' It was Scott Baio playing Himself who turns out to be Scott Baio, Werewolf!! XD XD XD Like, the actual characters would go, "Oh my god! The werewolf is... SCOTT BAIO!" XD I'm dyyyyyin over here!! XD XD That is SO GREAT!! And I mean great in a wonderfully cheesy, intensely funny way. I laughed so hard I snorted like Chrissy Snow for a good two minutes after I read that. (Yes, I do snort when I laugh really hard.) I can't imagine how much I would have embarrassed myself in the theatre if they had done that. XD I WANT THE MOVIE TO END LIKE THAT! Can't they have "Cursed: The Extremely Cheesy, Pop Culturey, Hilarious Ending Version" and "Cursed: The Retooled, Maybe Better Version"? Woohoohoo that's funny. It's so bad I want to marry that ending. XD XD There are not enough "dead from laughing" faces to express how funny that ending is to me.
I hope Skeet's still in the movie though. Even if Scott Baio did get cut. XD
panic attacks,
original ending of cursed