Jul 16, 2012 02:43
They tore down the building I used to live in for five years! I wasn't sure if it was going to happen, and I certainly didn't think it would be this fast, but I walked down there after work today and it's a pile of rubble! I'm going to try to take some pictures before they cart all the rubble away. I wonder what will be done with the land now? Will something else be built there?
It made me feel a little sad because my old landlady loved managing that place for most of the time she was there, so I think she may take this a little hard. It was a dump, but it was my home for a while. Helped me escape Crime City AKA South Dallas. It's weird to see it not there.
I managed to get two days off in a row! WOOHOO! I got approved to take my floating holiday right after a regular day off (my days off are split, not one right after the other). I've got many plans for this time. Let's see how many of them I can actually accomplish.
I've also managed to accumulate 40 hours of vacation time. \o/ Should I take it all this year, or wait until I've accumulated two weeks worth?
go me!,