Kaye and I didn't do much today, just farted around and watched movies. We were going to go out to a movie, but she had passes to AMC and we couldn't find any good movies playing at the closest AMC theatre. So we tried the dollar theatre and there weren't really any good movies there either. We watched "The Hot Chick" on cable which was really funny in an incredibly stupid way. XD More farting around, watched "From Hell," then she went home.
Later, we were IMing, and she mentions that she's come to the conclusion that she really liked "Ride with the Devil," and I'm like yeah, I did too. I had no idea how much I liked it until I couldn't stop thinking about how sad it was for hours afterward. It's a western/war picture. I usually haAaAaAaAaAte those movies with a passion because it's all men screaming, "AHHHHHHHHH!" and running at each other shooting or swinging swords, then there's tons of bloodshed, and you hardly have a chance to get to know any of the characters. Usually it's like, "Who just died? Who was that? Was it That Guy?" It's hard to care about characters dying when you don't even know their names.
This movie was different though; lots of time was spent developing practically everyone, and I really felt something when many of them died.
First off, yes, another Skeet movie. He starts off the movie with longish hair and clean-shaven face, but his hair looked like a brillo pad because they did something weird to it. So I was hoping it would get better. OH BABY did it ever! I'm sort of an airhead when it comes to historic facts, so excuse me, but I can't remember whether it was the Bushwhackers or the Jayhawkers who fought on the side of the South during the Civil War. I think the southern vigilantes were called Bushwhackers. So, I'll go with that. There's a store that has been selling to the Union, so the Bushwhackers attack it, and there's this one part where Skeet's character, Jack Bull Childs (ain't that a colorful southern name!), comes running around the side and takes off his hat, and all this gorgeous long black hair comes spilling out. WOW WOW WOW. XD At that point he had a beard and moustache for the rest of the movie; they all had them, so I think it was some sort of war-related thing (one chara comments that he didn't think he'd ever cut his hair until the war was over, so I think it was symbolic). Someone who actually knows a thing or two about the Civil War help me out here. This is also when we got our first glimpse of "Cutie Pie" who turned out to be Pit Magnuson/Maxton/Maxson (I swear they said his last name three different ways! Or maybe I need to watch the movie again.). He was, well, cute. XD But no one would say his name for like 2 hours.
Jack's best friend is Jake "Dutchie" Rodell, who was played very nicely by Toby McGuire (did I spell that right?). What I liked so much about the movie was that it wasn't really about the war. The war was a backdrop to all these close friendships, which had some of the most endearing detail. The movie had some of the loveliest flowery southern talk I have ever heard. Wonderful dialogue! One scene, Jake gets his pinky half-shot off in a gunfight, and later, while he and Jack are laying on their bedrolls around the fire talking (nice male bonding stuff), he talks about his "nubbin'" finger, trying to find the bright side of it. Jake comments that if he ever gets hung because of the war, and someone comes along and finds him and he's just a "gob of rot," they'll be able to identify him by the nubbin'. XD It was such an adorable story. Jack replied, "Go to bed Jake Rodell." ^_^ There were SO many funny, sweet moments like that.
And the Southern accents! OH MY GAWD I am so in love with these Southern accents they use! So many movies/tv shows think "southern" and instantly go for the overdone, hick accent, because that's what all southerners sound like, right? WRONG! They could take a lesson from this movie. The accents are still southern, but not overdone. Everyone has this slow drawl that was just... WOWWOWWOW. That is MY South.
Close to halfway through the movie, Jack has pretty much gotten himself a woman (played by Jewel; she was alright) whose name was... Something Sue. We'll just call her Sue since my memory has gone on vacation. There's one hilarious part where Sue has come in and smashed a snowball in his face, and they do some slow southern flirting until they start kissing. Only problem is, Holt and Jake are sitting right there! XD So they eventually arrange for Jack and Sue to have some privacy for one hour. Woowoo!
Nice scene between Jake and Holt where Jake reads letters they've intercepted from the Union army while constantly asking, "It been an hour yet?"
Jack and Sue have their privacy, but we don't know exactly how far they got because there's shooting, and Holt and Jake come running back to find Jack nearly dressed and Sue hurriedly buttoning her top. The men run out to fight a short battle in which Jack gets shot in the arm, and BAD. They drag him back to the hideout and we finally get to see the arm, which looks like it has BONE sticking out. Bad, bad injury. In the 1800's. The scene is really cringe-worthy but then turns funny because they're trying to dress the wound as best they can, and Jack screams because it hurts so much, and Holt slaps a hand over his mouth. XD (so the enemy won't hear him screaming) It looked really funny.
Another man heavily involved in this part of the movie (his name escapes me right off) says the arm is going to have to come off, which made me squeal out loud, "NOOO!" But they decide that's too much, and try to nurse Jack back to health without amputation. Here's where I would have liked to see more scenes of them taking care of Jack (because, you know, it's SKEET hurt and helpless and that's just HOT XD), but it was pretty abrupt. I don't know if USA cut out any scenes; that's the only copy I have right now, is this one off the USA cable channel. Anyway, next scene, they're talking about how bad the arm has gotten, and the blonde guy goes off to "fetch a doctor" if he can get one. Holt thinks he's not actually going to get a doc, that he thinks this is a lost battle. Then they start basically saying their goodbyes with Jake and Sue crying, and Jack's eyes are all glassy. I'm like, um, NO, Skeet is the star of this movie and it's only halfway over. There will be an amazing recovery, right? RIGHT? ¬_¬
Next scene, they're discussing the gangrene in the arm and how they just might sorta kinda be able to save Jack if they amputate it now. In the 1800's. No doctor, no knock-out juice, they don't even get him drunk! They put a stick in his mouth for him to bite down on, then Jake takes a saw and CRIIIIINGE. Man, it was short but brutal. Jack SCREAMS and his eyes roll up into his head.
Next scene, Jack's lying there totally pale and still, and they cover him with a blanket. Another, "NOOOO!" squeal from me. :( Gee, I guess the "surgery" didn't go so well, huh?
So Skeet's dead and out of the movie. But we had to finish it to see how things came out for everyone else. Turns out later, Sue introduces Jake and Holt to her daughter, whose last name is CHILDS. Weeeeeee!! Not only did they get to consumate the relationship, but they had a bebbeh! They make love, and five minutes later he's mortally wounded, her left with a baby to raise alone. The melodrama of war! I love it. :D I love that she got to keep a living piece of this man she loved for only a short time; very romantic.
Eventually Jake agrees to marry Sue so she won't be thought of as a loose woman (we all know how a young unmarried woman with a baby was thought of back then), and they do seem to have grown into some genuine affection for each other. They take off to make their own home, and Holt leaves them a free man (he was a slave before the war).
The more I thought about the movie, the more I realized how sad and beautiful that story was, of two best friends, one of them dies, and the other marries his girl and raises his daughter to take care of them for him. That's just so old-style romantic.
Lastly, I was extremely proud of Skeet for this role. He did so well, so incredibly good. ^_^ This was like his prestige picture. I hope he gets a chance to do more acting like this.
I can now say that I actually love a western and war movie. ^_^ I may even show this to my dad and see how he likes it (he LOVES both westerns and war movies).
EDIT: Thank you IMDB for setting me straight. XD
It's Jack Bull CHILES (sounded like Childs, dagnabit), Jake Roedel, Sue Lee Shelley, Blonde Guy was named George Clyde, and Cutie Pie's name was Pitt MACKESON. (Nothing like naming your kid after what's left over when you're done eating your peach.)
It's Tobey Maguire.
Quotes from the "nubbin'" scene. XD
[Camping out, Jack Bull Chiles and Jake Roedel discuss Jake's finger, which was shot off in a skirmish.]
Jack Bull: My father's under the dirt to stay. Like that's gone to stay, too.
Jake: My finger?
Jack Bull: Mmm-hmm.
Jake: Well, so it is. And it makes me notable by the loss.
Jack Bull: You sound pleased... as if that finger'd been pesterin' you for rings.
Jake: No. It was a fine finger and I'd rather have it still, but... it was took from me and it's been et by chickens for sure. And I say, what is the good side to this amputation? And there is one.
Uh, finish it! Oh well, I'll just watch it again. "It was a fine finger and I'd rather have it still..." XD
Lo-chan and Kayepers give it two thumbs up!
Ahaha, Kaye told me she saw a few grey hairs on the back of my head. I have officially joined the over 30 club. XD Already got every shade of brown, some blonde, and red in there, might as well have grey.