Aug 28, 2011 18:15
I had such a scary dream last night. It felt so real that after I woke up, I thought about what I was going to say in my LJ post to describe what happened. It slowly dawned on me that it DIDN'T really happen.
I was living in some sort of high rise type building where all the apartments were inside and there was a lobby area and all that. I went outside to run an errand and there was a guy there with a gun. He was protesting some sort of unfairness happening to his nephew, who was in the hospital, and was rounding up people to hold hostage. Of course, he pointed the gun at me. It was some sort of assault rifle, so EEEEEEE. Not fun to have one of those things pointed at you, even if it is only in a dream. The guy told us to go stand in the lobby of the building, blocking the front doors. Me and the other hostages did so. The gunmen went to look for more hostages. A security guard came along to tell us to move along, we were blocking the door, and I signaled to him that there was a man outside with a gun, making the international hand signal for gun. :D You know, finger barrel, thumb up. The security guard understood and went away for a few seconds. Then he came back and signaled for us to very quietly come with him. He took us off into an office where we could hide safely. I assume the police came and caught the gunmen, because I didn't see him again. While sitting in the office, I tried to get a hold of myself, but I was very shaken up. A news crew popped up out of nowhere and started interviewing people. I chose to leave, go up to my apartment, and tell my parents what happened (they were both alive in this dream). They proceeded to cuddle me and tell me everything was okay. :(
Again, EEEEEEEEEEEE. The worst part was that feeling in the dream of "OMG, what if he decides to start shooting hostages? I don't want to die this way!" and just wanting to go about my business but not being able to because the guy was obviously mentally disturbed. He kept babbling and yelling to himself about how unfair the system was and crap. Certainly don't wanna have that dream again anytime soon.