My fun-filled day

May 23, 2009 00:40

First, fanfic...

Title: She Just Wanted to be Heard Day 29: The Secrets We Keep
Day 30: The Shadow People
Day 31: Peripheral Vision
Day 32: The Past is Always There
Author: sailorhathor
Fandom: The Ring/Supernatural x-over
Rating: PG-13. Sam/Jess.
Word Count: 3,000-4,500 per chapter
Summary: For the second time since this whole thing had started, Sam wanted to call his father. Or, at least Dean. At the end of the week, a lot of people could die, and Sam wasn't sure there was anything he could do to stop it.
He thought again of the cursed student, Meredith. She was here, not unreachable in Boston, but here. If he could just save this one, there would be sunlight at the end of the tunnel concerning saving the rest.
Warning: Slightly AU, pre-series during Sam's time at Stanford. Spoilers for The Ring and Ringu series of movies. The OC sex scene in Day 29 borders on R rated.
Author's Notes: All chapters beta'ed by my friend Sammie! *Hugs Shammie*

Fanfic Challenges: Fits the following fanfic challenge prompts.

Day 29: The Secrets We Keep
50_darkfics: #29 Guilt
coclaim100: #29 Thunder
varietypack100: #31 Sunrise
occhallenge: Rumble
10_hurt_comfort: Gen 3 #7 Secret

Day 30: The Shadow People
50_darkfics: #30 Chains
coclaim100: #30 Rain
varietypack100: #41 Shapes
occhallenge: Hurt
10_hurt_comfort: DIY #9 Moving Away
paranormal25: #106 Shadow People
30_losses: #13 The beginning of the end

Day 31: Peripheral Vision
50_darkfics: #31 Flame
coclaim100: #31 Snow
varietypack100: #62 Spring
occhallenge: Fight
10_hurt_comfort: DIY #7 Help
fc_smorgasbord: Take it like a man

Day 32: The Past is Always There
50_darkfics: #32 Past
coclaim100: #32 Sunlight
varietypack100: #2 Middles
occhallenge: Flaw

Second, raise your hand if you wound up in the emergency room today!

*eyes ducky closely*

To simplify things for me, I'm going to copy and paste some of this from an email I sent just_kaye today so I don't have to retype it. I'll also add some details here and there.

Okay, got up, got ready for work, still wasn't feeling well. I got there and my trainer, Josh, was like I dunno what we're going to do with you yet, you've missed almost two weeks of training due to being sick. He said they will either have me catch up, or move me to the training class that just started this week. I'd be relearning a few things with week overlap, but I'd be able to catch up on the things I missed at a normal pace. I like that option best. Somebody else has to decide this, though, and they haven't made the decision yet. 9_9

I asked if I could do my timecard, and Josh thought it would be best if Jackie does my timecard (she's the person who approves all the timecards). I need my sick pay to be on that timecard, or I'll have practically no paycheck at all. I didn't get to finish it or submit it. He sent Jackie an email reminding her to take care of it. I was supposed to call her at 3:30 to make sure it got done, but I was at the emergency room until 6pm, and she never called me back when I finally got to call her. So I have no idea if she even submitted the timecard or not. I don't know if it can be submitted on Tuesday (next work day) or not. Which boils down to the fact that if she didn't pay attention to the email, and the timecard had to be submitted today, then I will have no pay next week. Which would be a big imposition. I'm trying not to allow myself to worry about it because I know it's the last thing I need right now, but it's hard. I NEED my paycheck. I have just enough money to pay my June rent right now, plus a little extra for food, and that's it. Another paycheck next week would certainly be helpful!

Since Josh didn't know what to do with me, I said I wanted to leave and go see the doctor. (He was like, "Jackie didn't think you'd be back today anyway.") My breathing was labored, especially when I tried to talk.

The clinic is a short block from the bus stop, like two parking lots, so I started walking. By the time I got to the clinic, I couldn't breathe. It was scary, how bad I felt and how hard it was to breathe. Basically, the only way I could calm down was to lie still and not move at all. Any exertion made my heart race and breathing hard. I scared the nurse at the front desk, hehheh. Her eyes were like O_O, and they immediately checked my blood oxygen with one of those things that grabs your finger. Levels were good. They put me ahead of a couple other patients and examined me.

My blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate were all elevated. I couldn't breathe well enough to finish a sentence. They said they wanted me to go to the emergency room and get a full workup because they were worried about my difficulty breathing. The doc there said it may just be bronchitis related to the pneumonia, but she didn't want to make that assumption, send me home, and then I die of a blood clot in the lung or something. I agreed that the ER was a good idea.

I tried to reach my sister to see if she could come get me and take me to the hospital, but she didn't answer. So they called an ambulance to take me there. (I'm going to take the bus? Oh, I don't think so.)

Oh, I thought this was interesting - I've lost three pounds since Sunday. Um, how? I ate just as much as usual. I have no idea what that means.

Well, I take that back. Because I didn't feel like it, I didn't eat any of the cookies that I bought, and I've been drinking sugar free drink mix in water, where I probably would have had more sodas if I'd been going to work. Also been eating baked potato chips instead of fried. Maybe that was it. I don't know, I just thought it was odd. The steroids made me very hungry, which is why it surprises me. I thought I would have GAINED weight.

My blood pressure had already gone down some by the time we got underway in the ambulance. Once I could just lie there on the stretcher and rest, all my vitals started to get better. My breathing was still labored, though, just not as bad.

They don't know exactly what caused it, although the doctor said it's probably residual bronchitis from the pneumonia I had earlier this week. I got a chest x-ray and it looked clear. EKG was clear. Lungs sounded clear. Whatever they put those sensors on your ankles for, that was clear. The doctor thought my bronchial tubes were probably phlegmy and a bit constricted. She prescribed an inhaler and wants me to go to my regular doctor and have tests run for sleep apnea, and of course come back if I have a lot of trouble breathing again. I've been wanting to have a sleep study done anyway because of never feeling rested no matter how much sleep I get. I'll do that after my insurance kicks in. I'm not sure what the doctor saw that made her think of sleep apnea; she just was suddenly like, "I want you to get tested for sleep apnea." ^_^? I know it has something to do with constricted breathing.

The inhaler seems to be working okay. I'm still really tired and phlegmy. Sometimes, my breathing seems fine, then it'll be hard to breathe again. I'm going to rest a lot and use my inhaler and hope that I'll feel well enough to return to work Tuesday. I don't want to miss anymore work; I don't want to use up all my sick and vacation time before I've even had time to finish training. Not like there's anything I can do to help it, but...

Everybody at the emergency room was very nice to me. :) I really like this hospital. Deidra (my sister) came and got me from the hospital and took me to get my medicine, then home. She was pretty nice for the most part. Saved me from having to get my medicine and get home on the bus, which would have taken a while and been pretty exhausting, so that's good.

Oh, and they gave me a breathing treatment at the hospital too. It seemed to help some for a few hours.

I don't know what they make that medical tape adhesive out of, but this one piece of tape actually took a big patch of hair off my arm!! :D OUCH! It's like I waxed it. O_o

I'm going to bed now, very tired. I slept better last night than I have all week, so I hope that will continue.

sick, she just wanted to be heard

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